Oude Calixtuskerk (Groenlo)

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The Oude Calixtuskerk in Groenlo

The Oude Calixtuskerk ( German  Old Calixtus Church ) is a late Gothic brick pseudo-basilica of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands in Groenlo , Gelderland province .


Around 1275 the construction of a church began in Groenlo. In the 15th century, the Bishop of Münster supported the building, which was completed around 1520 in its current form. During the Eighty Years' War the church came into the hands of the Reformed, and after 1674 it remained in their possession. Since 1978 the church has belonged to the “Oude Gelderse Kerken” foundation. In 2006 and 2007 the structure was restored. While the choir room is still used for the Reformed church service, the nave is used as an exhibition room. A permanent exhibition on the history of Groenlo is housed in the two aisles .


A carillon with 47 bells hangs in the church tower .

The main organ was built in 1951 by the organ building company Flentrop (Zaandam). The slider chests -instrument has 17 registers on two manuals and pedal . The actions are mechanical.

I main work C – f 3
Prestant 8th'
Roerfluit 8th'
Octaaf 4 ′
Quintads 4 ′
Vlakfluit 2 ′
Mixture IV-VII
Trumpet 8th'
II breastwork C – f 3
Holpijp 8th'
Spitsfluit 4 ′
Prestant 2 ′
Quint 1 13
Sesquialter II
Regaal 8th'
Pedal C – f 1
Subbas 16 ′
Prestant 8th'
Night horn 4 ′

See also

Web links

Commons : Oude Calixtuskerk  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. More information about the organ. Retrieved December 5, 2014 .

Coordinates: 52 ° 2 ′ 32.4 "  N , 6 ° 37 ′ 4.7"  E