Papal family

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Papal family ( Italian : famiglia pontificia ) is the name of the office holders , church dignitaries and church officials who stay in the immediate vicinity of the Pope and help the Pope to control and guide the Papal State.

The Pontifical family consists of clerical and lay people as well as members of the Pontifical Chapel , in particular Sacred which the honorific Pontifical honor Kaplan ( Mgr ), Pontifical honor Prälat and protonotary apostolic wear, as well as carrier of the Pontifical Silvester- and Gregory the , the Knights of the Holy grave to Jerusalem and the Knight of the Order of Malta . In addition, several officials in the Vatican who support the Pope as head of state in a special way belong to the papal family. The papal family is managed by the papal house .

In particular, the following ministers are included in the papal family:

Members of the clergy

Lay members


  • Fabrizio Rossi: The Vatican: Politics and Organization. CH Beck, 2011.

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