Rosewood Publishing House

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Rosewood Publishing House
legal form GbR
founding 2003
Seat Chemnitz , Germany
Branch Book publisher

The Palisander Verlag is based in Chemnitz. It was founded in 2003. The publishing house that specializes in two themes: martial arts - and Indian literature . Viola Rott, Anja Elstner and Frank Elstner are named as owners. Elstner also works as an author and above all as a translator.

Literature on martial arts

Publishing program

After its establishment, the publishing house became known regionally and later also nationally for literature on the various Asian martial arts. Roland Habersetzer stands out among the various authors . The Frenchman, born in 1942, who is 9th Dan , Hanshi , was mainly engaged in Shōtōkan - and Wadō-ryū - karate , but also with Kobudō and Iaido . The books published by the publisher represent the broad knowledge of this author. With Amakusa Shiro and Warriors of Ancient Japan , the publisher also has two fictional books by the author in its program, in which he deals with the history of Japan and the history of the Japanese warrior caste samurai .

Another well-known master in the list of martial arts writers is Jamal Measara . Measara, born in Malaysia in 1949, deals with various martial arts, as does Habersetzer, with the basics of Okinawa martial arts, which are one of the foundations of modern karate. Jamal Measara also represents the Kobudō in open style karate in the German Karate Association.

With Fritz Oblinger , a well-known master from the German Karate Association also belongs to the group of authors of the Palisander Verlag. He represents Kyosho-Jitsu in the association , also in open style karate. Oblinger wrote about the vital point methods of the old masters .

Other authors are Maik Albrecht , Hilmar Fuchs , Kenei Mabuni , Frank Rudolph , Roman Westfehling , Xiong Daoming , Roland Czerni and Klaus Konrad .

The authors represent a wide variety of Asian martial arts: Iaido , Karate , Shaolin Kempo , Tai Chi , Chi Gong , Kung Fu . The latest publication is a book on judo written with the assistance of Vladimir Putin .

Martial arts publications

Roland Habersetzer

Textbooks :

  • Iaido . From the French by Frank Elstner, Chemnitz 2014, ISBN 978-3-938305-59-1 .
  • Basic techniques of karate . Chemnitz 2011, ISBN 978-3-938305-18-8 .
  • Karate the master - with body and mind . 3rd ext. Edition, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-00-3 .
  • Bubishi - At the source of Karatedô . From the French by Frank Elstner, 3rd edition, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-00-3 .
  • Kobudô 1 - Bô and Sai . From the French by Frank Elstner, 3rd edition, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-02-7 .
  • Kobudô 2 - Nunchaku, Tonfa, Police Tonfa . From the French by Frank Elstner, 3rd edition, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-03-4 .
  • Koshiki Kata - The classic Karatedô kata . From the French by Frank Elstner, 2nd revised. Edition, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-01-0 .
  • 39 Karate Kata - from Gôjû ryû, Wadô ryû and Shitô ryû . From the French by Frank Elstner, Chemnitz 2010, ISBN 978-3-938305-15-7 .


  • Amakusa Shiro - God's Samurai - The Shimabara Rebellion . From the French by Frank Elstner, Chemnitz 2013, ISBN 978-3-938305-19-5 .
  • The warriors of ancient Japan - Famous Samurai, Ronin and Ninja . From the French by Frank Elstner, 2nd edition, Chemnitz 2011, ISBN 978-3-938305-07-2 .
Jamal Measara
Fritz Oblinger
  • The vital point methods of the old masters - Kyusho-Jitsu in karate . Chemnitz 2016, ISBN 978-3-938305-96-6 .
Vladimir Putin, Vasili Shestakov, Alexei Levitsky

Literature on Indian peoples

"Indian worlds give us insights into our earlier epochs of human history"

- Frank Elstner : Interview U. Rennicke with Frank Elstner from March 19, 2016 at the Leipzig Book Fair

In 2009 the publishing house began to publish literature on Indian peoples. The publishing program includes fiction as well as non-fiction.

Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich

The publisher first published the biography Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich and the Indians by Erik Lorenz . Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich was one of the most famous authors in the GDR. In 1951 her first “Indian novel” appeared: The Sons of the Great Bear , which the ancient historian and professor at Humboldt University later expanded to include the pentalogy The Blood of the Eagle .

Frank Elstner had received a typescript from her estate from Rudolf Welskopf, the author's son. This contained the stories of an old Lakota member who Welskopf-Henrich met on her first trip to Canada in 1963 in the Wood Mountains . His widow handed the manuscript to the German author, but it was never published. Elstner did the translation himself and had the author's descendants confirm this and the right to publish it. The miracle of the Little Bighorn by John Okute Soca with an essay by Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich was able to appear in November 2009. In 2013 the publisher published the pentalogy Das Blut des Adler by Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich . This edition is the continuation of her most famous novel, The Sons of the Great Bear . The story of Lakota Harka / stone with horns / Tokei-ihto in the period from 1850 to approx. 1878 is continued by his descendant Joe Inya-he-yukan (Stonehorn) King in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century. This edition contains various additions and appendices. At the Leipzig Book Fair 2015, the publisher presented the author's complete narrative works (excluding their children's books) for the first time, partly in eBook format. As a result, a new print edition of The Sons of the Great Bear was published in 2017 , with the publisher strictly adhering to the original manuscripts.

Further literature on Indian peoples

The publisher laid the foundation for the topic of Indians , which includes specialist literature and fiction. The publisher does not pursue the goal of reprinting the history of the indigenous peoples of North America, rather it is more important to publish narratives, stories, myths and legends that were written down by Indian authors themselves. Most of the other books are also about Plains Indians , especially the Lakota . In addition to John Okute Sica , Zitkala-Ša should be mentioned here. She is also a member of the Lakota who became a writer. Frank Elstner also contributed to the translation of Red Bird Narrated.

Myths, legends and the true story of the Plains Indians are complemented by their songs in the publishing program. Frances Densmore recorded chants in the early 20th century and wrote music ethnological works on them. The book The Songs of the Old Lakota consequently complements the Indian literature of Zitkala-Ša and John Okute Sica . The novels, short stories, stories and non-fiction books were supplemented in 2016 by a new biography by the author Erik Lorenz : The story of Sitting Bull , illustrated by Claudia Lieb .

Publications on Indian peoples

Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich

  • The sons of the Great Bear
  1. Band: Harka
  2. Volume: The Path into Exile
  3. Volume: The cave in the Black Mountains
  4. Band: Homecoming to the Dakota
  5. Band: The young chief
  6. Band: Across the Missouri
  1. Band: Night over the prairie
  2. Band: light over white rocks
  3. Band: stone with horns
  4. Volume: The Seven Steps Mountain
  5. Volume: The light face
Erik Lorenz
John Okute Sica
  • The miracle of the Little Bighorn . Translated from the English by Frank Elstner, Chemnitz 2009, ISBN 978-3-938305-10-2 .
  • Red bird tells . Translated from the English by Ulrich Grafe and Frank Elstner, Chemnitz 2015, ISBN 978-3-938305-70-6 .
Frances Densmore
  • The songs of the old Lakota . Translated from the English by Ulrich Grafe, Chemnitz 2012, ISBN 978-3-938305-20-1 .

Elstner wrote an essay about the ethnomusicologist who recorded Indian songs at the beginning of the 20th century: Frances Densmore: "I heard an Indian drum"

Further literature

Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich has also written a number of other social novels with autobiographical features. Also coming out from the publisher are:

Web links

Sources / References / Notes

  1. Imprint on, accessed on March 10, 2018.
  2. Jamal Measara on, accessed on January 28, 2018.
  3. SOK-Kobudo on, German Karate Association, accessed on January 28, 2018.
  4. SOK-Kyusho-Jitsu on, German Karate Association, accessed on January 28, 2018.
  5. Nunchaku (choke wood) is a martial arts weapon that is a prohibited item in Germany according to the WaffG , the Tonfa is also referred to as a multi-purpose baton in the German police, as it can not only be used as a striking weapon.
  6. Frank Elstner: Introduction to: John Okute Sica: Das Wunder vom Little Bighorn , Chemnitz 2009, p. 23.
  7. Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich: With the Dakota in the Wood Mountains . In: John Okute Sica: The miracle of the Little Bighorn . Chemnitz 2009, p. 11.
  8. Interview with U. Rennicke with Frank Elstner, March 19, 2016
  9. cf. Literature list under Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich
  10. This new edition was discussed at the Leipzig Book Fair 2018 in the ARD forum in an interview with Gojko Mitic