Palm Tungsten

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Palm Tungsten C

Tungsten (English for the chemical element tungsten ) was the name of a series of PDAs from the American company PalmOne , which was launched in 2002 with the Tungsten T. It stood for business class PDAs, mostly with Bluetooth or WLAN .


Tungsten E2
  • Tungsten T : 16 MB RAM , display 320 × 320 px , Bluetooth, Palm OS 5.0
  • Tungsten W : 16 MB memory, display 320 × 320 px, keyboard , GSM - mobile phone ( Smartphone ), Palm OS 4.1.1
  • Tungsten C : 64 MB memory, display 320 × 320 px, WLAN, keyboard, Palm OS 5.2.1
  • Tungsten T2 : 32 MB memory, display 320 × 320 px, Bluetooth, Palm OS 5.2.1
  • Tungsten E : 32 MB memory, display 320 × 320 px, Palm OS 5.2.1
  • Tungsten T3 : 64 MB memory, display 320 × 480 px (slide-out), Bluetooth, Palm OS 5.2.1
  • Tungsten T5 : 256 MB memory (64 MB as standard RAM memory, 160 MB internal drive for any data, remaining memory of the operating system), display 320 × 480 px, Bluetooth, Palm OS 5.4.5 Garnet
  • Tungsten E2 : 32 MB memory, display 320 × 320 px, Bluetooth, Palm OS 5.4.7 Garnet
  • T | X : 128 MB memory, display 320 × 480 px, Bluetooth, WLAN, Palm OS 5.4.9 Garnet

There was no model "T4", probably because the four is considered an unlucky number in some Asian countries (see here ). The T-series includes business handhelds with a lot of memory and a fast processor, as well as Bluetooth for interaction with mobile phones in particular . That is why a dialing program and an SMS application are usually also supplied. The C-Series is aimed at business users that the Organizer in the corporate network or public hotspots use: WiFi is installed and an e-mail - client , an HTML - browser and VPN client are included in the operating system integrated.

Palm T | X

E series

The E series is the entry-level business handheld. Compared to the Zire entry-level handhelds, there is no camera , but a relatively large amount of memory and a high-resolution display (the Tungsten E has been around since 2003, and the Zire 72 came out in 2004, which even has improved capabilities compared to the Tungsten & nbspE). With the Tungsten W, Palm tried its hand at a smartphone for the first time. A further development of the series is probably not to be expected, since Palm bought the company Handspring and developed their smartphone series Treo (Treo 650 and following).

Palm T | X

On October 11, 2005, Palm released a new top model, the T | X, which can be classified as part of the Tungsten series due to its performance characteristics. He has 32  MB RAM and 128 MB memory, a 312- MHz - XScale - processor (the processor was clocked in favor of a longer battery life lower than usual), Bluetooth , WLAN , infrared touch-sensitive screen with 320 × 480 pixels , the display is to better display of presentations and tables as well as photos and videos can also rotate. In contrast to the Palm models with a square display, here - as with the T3 and T5 - even the graffiti input field can be hidden in order to have even more effective display area. Palm has continued this development with the media devices of the LifeDrive series.