Pan Wuyun

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Pān Wùyún潘 悟 云 (born March 1943 in Rui'an ) is a leading Chinese linguist and specialist in Chinese phonology .


Pān Wùyún completed a doctorate in 1982 at Fudan University in Shanghai . In 1993 he moved from the Wenzhou University of Education to the Shanghai University of Education , where he supervised doctoral students in Modern Chinese. In 1999 he became vice-chairman of the Shanghai Association of Scientists and chairman of the association's language research institute. Since the mid-1980s he taught a. a. at the University of Berkeley , the University of Wisconsin , the University of Oslo , the City University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong .

Research priorities

The focus of research and teaching at Pān Wùyún is the historical phonology of Middle and Old Chinese as well as dialect research .



  • Dōngfāng yǔyán yǔ wénhuà: Dūnhuáng zīliào东方 语言 与 文化 : 敦煌 资料. Dōngfāng chūbǎn zhōngxīn 东方 出版 中心, Shanghai 2002, ISBN 7-80627-757-9 .
  • Hànyǔ lìshǐ yīnyùnxué《汉语 历史 音韵 学》. Shànghǎi jiàoyù chūbǎnshè 上海 教育 出版社 2000, ISBN 7-5320-6820-X .
  • Pān Wùyún zìxuǎnjí《潘 悟 云 自选集》, Ānhuī jiàoyù chūbǎnshè 安徽 教育 出版社, Hefei 2002, ISBN 7-5336-2863-2 .


  • Yuánshǐ Hànyǔ yǔ zàngyǔ《原始 汉语 与 汉 藏语》 ( Nicholas C. Bodman : Proto-Chinese and Sino-Tibetan ), Zhōnghuá shūjú 中华书局, Beijing 1995, ISBN 7-101-00924-7 (together with Féng Zhēng 冯 蒸).
  • Shànggǔ Hànyǔ de fǔyīn xìtǒng上古 汉语 的 辅音 系统. Zhōnghuá shūjú 中华书局, Beijing 1999, ISBN 7-101-02225-1 ( Edwin G. Pulleyblank : The consonantal system of Old Chinese ; together with Xú Wénkān 徐文 堪).
  • Hàn wén diǎn汉文 典. Shànghǎi císhū chūbǎnshè 上海 辞书 出版社 1997, ISBN 7-5326-0214-1 (Bernhard Karlgren: Grammata Serica ).

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