Pane carasau

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Pane carasau.jpg

Pane carasau (synonym Pane carasatu , Pane karassare , kasare Pane , krasare Pane , crasau Pane , Pane 'e fresa , from the Sardinian words pane , bread' and carasare , roast , toast ') is a traditional thin and crispy flatbread of Sardinian cuisine made from durum wheat semolina . It is characterized by a low water content and a long shelf life and was therefore also used by seafarers. Pane carasau is available as a variant with herbs , e.g. B. with rosemary or oregano . If the bread is made with olive oil , it is called pane guttiau .


Pane carasau was presumably already produced as a staple food in the Bronze Age , when the nuragic culture in Sardinia experienced its heyday. It was later used as food for the Sardinian shepherds, who were often out and about for weeks with their flocks of sheep in the mountain regions. The long shelf life also made the flatbread ideal for fishermen and sea travelers. The crossings on the Mediterranean with old sailing ships often took several weeks and, in contrast to perishable foods such as fruit, vegetables and meat, Pane Carasau could also be consumed after weeks without hesitation.

Ingredients and preparation

Pane Carasau is made from durum wheat semolina, yeast, water and salt. In the past, the use of comparatively expensive wheat as a basic ingredient was reserved for rich families. The poorer sections of the population used barley flour or bran to make flatbreads.

Pane Carasau is produced in several work steps. For the dough, yeast is dissolved in warm water and mixed with the durum wheat flour. The mixture is then kneaded for a long time in a wooden trough. Then the dough is rolled out on the table until a thin, smooth surface is formed, which is then kneaded again. This process is repeated several times. In the subsequent fermentation process, the dough is stored in a covered container in a dark place. After the dough has "risen", it is rolled out into a wafer-thin layer and then cut into round slices. These are placed in the middle of the oven and baked in a first course at a temperature between 450 and 500 degrees. In a further baking phase, the flatbreads are roasted in the heat until the desired browning. The end product is a wafer-thin, crispy flatbread that is used in different ways.


Pane carasau can be consumed in different ways and is used in various Sardinian dishes. The flatbread is usually eaten dry with antipasti , salumi or cheese . The bread can be moistened with water before eating, which makes the bread soft, and other ingredients such as cheese or sausage can be rolled into the dough. Another possibility is to sprinkle the pane Carasau with olive oil and top it with fresh goat or sheep cheese. Another variant is to moisten the flatbread with a strong broth and top it with tomato puree, pecorino cheese and a fried egg . Pane carasau is part of the Pane frattau dish made from several layers of pane carasau with tomato sauce and pecorino cheese.


  • Pani, tradizione e prospettive della panificazione in Sardegna . A cura di Paolo Piquereddu e Anna Pau. Ilisso edizioni, Nuoro 2005. ISBN 88-89188-54-5 .

Web links

Commons : Pane carasau  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Antonella Serrenti, Susanna Trossero: Il pane carasau. Storie e ricette di un'antica tradizione isolana . edizioni, Perugia 2014. ISBN 978-88-97010-62-3 .
  2. a b Gian Paolo Spaliviero: La piadina e le sue sorelle - Flatbreads. Gian Paolo Spaliviero, 2015, ISBN 978-8-893-15456-7 , p. 29.