Pangasius kunyit

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Pangasius kunyit
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pangasius
Type : Pangasius kunyit
Scientific name
Pangasius kunyit
Pouyaud , Teugels & Legendre , 1999

Pangasius kunyit is a species of fish in the genus Pangasius , within the shark catfish family. The species occurs in the larger watercourses of Sumatra and Borneo . In 2003 the species Pangasius mekongensis and Pangasius sabahensis were separatedfrom the species.


The species has a broad, rounded head with a protruding snout. The tooth plate on the intermaxillary bone is visible when the mouth is closed. The barbels are of medium length and do not reach the edge of the gill cover. The gill trap has 24 to 32 rays on the first arch. The body is very high. The dorsal fin bears two hard rays, the first of which is very short, and six or seven soft rays, the first of which sometimes bears a filamentary extension. The long hard jet has up to 44 teeth on the front. The pectoral fins have 10 to 11 soft rays, the first of which is sometimes elongated like a filament. The pelvic fins have six soft rays, the anal fin 29 to 35. The adipose fin is well developed, the caudal fin is short. The back is dark, the belly whitish in color. Live or freshly caught animals have a golden sheen on the back, flanks and fins. Animals from higher river regions are generally lighter. The species reaches a length of up to 70 cm.

Way of life

The species colonizes deep fresh and brackish water and feeds on mollusks, arthropods, fish and plants. Marine invertebrates have also been found in the stomach of estuarine animals.


  • R. Gustiano, GG Teugels, L. Pouyaud: Revision of the Pangasius kunyit catfish complex, with description of two new species from South-East Asia (Siluriformes; Pangasiidae) . In: Journal of Natural History . tape 37 , 2003, p. 357-376 (English).
  • Pangasius kunyit on (English)