Pangasius sabahensis

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Pangasius sabahensis
Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : Catfish (Siluriformes)
Family : Shark catfish (Pangasiidae)
Genre : Pangasius
Type : Pangasius sabahensis
Scientific name
Pangasius sabahensis
Gustiano , Teugels & Pouyaud , 2003

Pangasius sabahensis is a species of fish from the genus Pangasius within the shark catfish family.


Pangasius sabahensis shows the typical build of the shark catfish . The head is broadly rounded with a long snout and large nostrils. The tooth plate on the intermaxillary bone is visible in the large mouth . The eyes are to the side, just below the center of the body. The barbels on the lower and upper jaw are long. The body is strongly built with a length of up to 34 cm. The head and body are sky-blue-gray with silvery-gray flanks and a pale belly. The fins are yellowish to white.

The dorsal fin has two hard rays, the first short and the second long and slender, and six to seven soft rays. The pectoral fins have one hard and nine to twelve soft rays, the pelvic fins six and the anal fin 24 to 32 soft rays. The adipose fin is large, the caudal fin is small.

The gill trap has 19 to 23 short rays on the first arch. The swim bladder is two-chambered.

Way of life and occurrence

Pangasius sabahensis inhabits the estuary area. The species is omnivorous , with an increasing tendency to eat fish with age.

It is only known from Kinabatangan in northern Borneo in the Malaysian state of Sabah and shares its range with the species Pseudolais micronemus and Pangasius kinabatanganensis .


  • R. Gustiano, GG Teugels, L. Pouyaud: Revision of the Pangasius kunyit catfish complex, with description of two new species from South-East Asia (Siluriformes; Pangasiidae) . In: Journal of Natural History . tape 37 , 2003, p. 357-376 (English).