Armored Brigade 4

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The Armored Brigade 4 was during the Second World War, an armored task force of the Wehrmacht .


The Panzer Brigade 4 was set up in Stuttgart from November 10, 1938 . During the attack on Poland , it gave sub-units to the Kempf Panzer Division . On October 7, 1939, the surrendered parts were reassigned to Panzer Brigade 4. During the Russian campaign , the unit was used in the Battle of Moscow in 1941 . The unit was disbanded on November 13, 1941.


  • Georg Tessin : Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in World War II 1939–1945. Volume 14. The Land Forces. Name associations. The air force. Flying bandages. Flak deployment in the Reich 1943–1945. Biblio-Verlag, Bissendorf 1980, ISBN 3-7648-1111-0 .