Panzer Brigade Courland

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The tank brigade "Kurland" was an armored combat unit of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War .


The Kurland tank brigade was established in Latvia in January 1945 . Their naming was based on the Kurland installation region . The unit was deployed against Soviet units between the end of February and the end of April in the Kurlandkessel in the Itzried-Bunka area around 40 km east of the Latvian port city of Libau . After the German surrender in Latvia in May 1945, the unit went into Soviet captivity.

Brigade commanders

  • Colonel of Usedom
  • Major Count von Rittberg


  • Georg Tessin : Associations and troops of the German Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in World War II 1939–1945. Volume 14. The Land Forces. Name associations. The air force. Flying bandages. Flak deployment in the Reich 1943–1945. Biblio-Verlag, Bissendorf 1980, ISBN 3-7648-1111-0 .

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