Paolo Emiliani Giudici

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Paolo Emiliani Giudici (born June 13, 1812 with Mussomeli in Sicily , † September 8, 1872 in Tonbridge , England ) was an Italian literary historian and literary scholar.


After studying the literature he received in 1848 a professor at the University of Pisa , this position but lost the grip of political reaction movement in the course of restoration after a few months.

Now he concentrated entirely on his literary work and published his Storia della letteratura italiana (1855, 2 volumes), which was valued by the professional public . He also began to publish a Storia del teatro italiano , of which, however, initially only the first volume, later reissued, appeared in 1860, and which only pursues its subject up to Lorenzo il Magnifico .

In addition, he conducted historical studies, traced the life of the large, small and smallest Italian communes of the past, which was split up into countless uninterrupted feuds , and sketched an interesting picture of it in his Storia dei comuni italiani , which in 1851 was published in Florence in three volumes, but badly from mutilated by the censorship , appeared and was published in 1866, 15 years later, the content was supplemented and formally revised.

Acumen and thorough knowledge distinguish Giudici as a historian, but his style was already contested as incorrect and subjective during his lifetime.

He also wrote a novel, Beppe Arpia (1851), which was favorably judged, and provided a translation of Macaulay's English history into Italian (1856, two volumes). It was not until the national rebirth of the Risorgimentos of Italy that he was able to gain a permanent public position as professor of aesthetics and secretary at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence; he was also elected to the Italian parliament in 1867.

He died in Tonbridge on September 8, 1872 while traveling in England.


  • Beppe Arpia (1851)
  • Storia dei comuni italiani (1851)
  • Storia della letteratura italiana (1855, 2 vol.).
  • Storia del teatro italiano (1860)


  • Danelon, Fabio: Dal libro da indice al manuale. La storiografia letteraria in Italia nel primo Ottocento e l'opera di Paolo Emiliani Giudici , Edizioni dell'Orso: 1994, ISBN 8876941924
  • Lucia Strappini:  EMILIANI GIUDICI, Paolo. In: Fiorella Bartoccini (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 42:  Dugoni – Enza. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1993.