Paolo Giacometti

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Paolo Giacometti

Paolo Giacometti (born March 19, 1816 in Novi Ligure , † August 31, 1882 in Gazzuolo ) was an Italian playwright.


He had his first stage success with his drama Rosilda while studying law in Genoa , when he was just 20 years old . The impoverishment of his parents forced him to give up his studies and to work. As a result, he devoted himself entirely to literary work and developed an ongoing, extremely fruitful activity for the stage. He wrote more than 80 pieces - both serious and cheerful - throughout his life.

At times he hired himself as a wage poet for traveling actors. This included the obligation to write a certain number of pieces each year and to participate in the unsteady wandering life. Even if there were health problems, he stood by the theater director and had to deliver the stage play.

He wrote a large number of pieces for the famous Adelaide Ristori , which he brought to bear on their tours through Europe and the United States. From 1861 he lived in Gazzuolo near Mantua .



  • Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra (1853)
  • La colpa vendica la colpa (1854)
  • Lucrezia Davidson (1854)
  • Torquato Tasso (1855)
  • Giuditta (1857)
  • Bianca Visconti (1860)
  • Sofocle (1860)
  • La morte civile (1861)
  • Maria Antonietta (1870)


  • Il poeta e la ballerina
  • Quattro donne in una casa
  • La donna (1850)
  • Il fisionomista (1850)
  • La donna in seconde nozze (1851)