Poplar Kleiebecherling

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Poplar Kleiebecherling
Poplar Kleiebecherling

Poplar Kleiebecherling

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Sclerotia cup relatives (Sclerotiniaceae)
Genre : Encoelia
Type : Poplar Kleiebecherling
Scientific name
Encoelia fascicularis
( Alb. & Schwein. ) P. Karst.

The poplar bran cupling ( Encoelia fascicularis ) or black-brown tuft cupling is a type of fungus from the family of sclerotia cup relatives (Sclerotiniaceae) and lives on dead branches of poplars .


Macroscopic features

The poplar bran cupling forms cup-shaped, sessile, 5–10 mm wide fruiting bodies, the apothecia , on dead, freshly fallen branches . They have a gray, sticky outside, the excipulum . They get their sticky appearance from its rounded cells. The fruit layer, the hymenium , is brown to black-brown. They appear tightly tufted.

Microscopic features

The smooth, unseptated ascospores are hyaline and cylindrical to slightly sausage-shaped ( allantoid ). They measure 12–15 × 3.5–4 μm.

Ecology and diffusion

The poplar bran cupling lives saprophytically on freshly fallen branches of poplars . It can be found practically all year round, but most often in the mild winter months and in spring. It's quite rare. Its distribution is limited to Central and Northern Europe. In Austria finds from the federal states of Vorarlberg, Carinthia, Styria, Lower Austria and Vienna were reported.


Originally described by Johannes Baptista von Albertini and Lewis David von Schweinitz as Peziza fascicularis 1805, Petter Adolf Karsten introduced the species to the newly established genus Encoelia in 1871 .


  • Svengunnar Ryman & Ingmar Holmåsen: mushrooms . Bernhard Thalacker Verlag, Braunschweig 1992, p. 651, ISBN 3-8781-5043-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Svengunnar Ryman & Ingmar Holmåsen: Mushrooms . Bernhard Thalacker Verlag, Braunschweig 1992, ISBN 3-8781-5043-1 .
  2. ^ GBIF Portal, accessed February 7, 2012
  3. ^ Database of mushrooms in Austria, accessed on February 7, 2012
  4. ^ Mycobank, accessed February 7, 2012