Para-Romani languages

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Para-Romani languages are Roma languages in which, in addition to the vocabulary, the syntax and morphology are already dominated by one of the contact languages, and which are therefore to be classified as a variant of this contact language.

Para-Romani area Contact languages phonetics vocabulary syntax morphology
Anglo-Romani England English , Welsh Special vocabulary a)
Romani rakripa Scandinavia Finnish , Norwegian , Swedish , Danish , etc. a. high proportion of Romani , Finnish vocabulary, vocabulary from other European contact languages predominantly of the Central Scandinavian language type predominantly of the Central Scandinavian language type
Caló Castile , Catalonia , Basque Country Catalan , Aragonese , Basque , Castilian , Asturian-Leonese , Galician , Langue d'oc strongly influenced by Romance contact languages Special vocabulary b) strongly influenced by Romance contact languages strongly influenced by Romance contact languages

a) “British Romani includes English Romani and Welsh Romani. These dialects are already extinct, remnants of them are only available as special vocabulary in the so-called 'Anglo-Romani'. "

b) “Iberian Romani includes Spanish Romani, Catalan Romani and Errumantxela (Basque Romani) . These dialects are also extinct. The remnants of it are only available as special vocabulary in the so-called ' Caló '. "

Individual evidence

  1. a b Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture of Austria : Romani: Brief overview of the language. In: Archived from the original on November 11, 2011 ; accessed on March 28, 2020 .