Paralabella murrayi

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Paralabella murrayi
Illustration of Paralabella murrayi, bottom row, figure 5

Illustration of Paralabella murrayi , bottom row, figure 5

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Earwigs (Dermaptera)
Family : Spongiphoridae
Genre : Paralabella
Type : Paralabella murrayi
Scientific name
Paralabella murrayi
( Kirby , 1900)

Paralabella murrayi is a poorly understood Ohrwurmart that on to Australia belonging Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean endemic is. It is known only from a few specimens collected at the end of the 19th century. Nothing is known about their habitat and way of life. The art epithet honors the British oceanographer John Murray (1841–1914).


The known specimens of Paralabella murrayi , including the pincers, have body lengths of 10.5 to 12 mm. The color is similar to Paralabella curvicauda . The head, pronotum , tegmina and wings are brownish-black. The antennae are dark brown. The legs are light brown, the femora are largely dark, and the abdomen is reddish. The point-shaped cuticle is hairy. The broad head is depressed. The frontal seam behind the frons and Coronalnaht are weak. The side edges behind the eyes are straight. The back and side angles are rounded. The back edges are curved. The eyes are small. The first antenna element is shorter than the distance between the antenna bases. The second antenna link is square, the third one is long. The small pronotum is longer than it is wide. The parallel side edges are straight. The posterior margin of the pronotum is rounded. There is a central longitudinal furrow. The tegmina and wings are well developed. The abdomen is small and spindle-shaped. The outermost tergite is oblique, the rear edge of which is triple bulged. The pygidium is hidden. Both pliers are straight, elliptical in the basic profile and cylindrical at the tip. The inside edges have two or three small bumps.


Paralabella murrayi was first described as Labia murrayi in 1900 by William Forsell Kirby . In 1989 Henrik Steinmann created the new genus Paralabella and classified Paralabella murrayi as a representative of this group. The taxa Labia indistincta , Labia subserrata and Labia incerta , also described by Kirby, are synonyms for Paralabella murrayi .

Hazard and protection

Paralabella murrayi is currently not covered by the IUCN . This catchy species has been thought to be lost since it was discovered at the end of the 19th century.


  • William F. Kirby: Order 9 - Orthoptera In: Charles W. Andrews: A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Physical Features and Geology , 1900, pp. 143-144
  • Henrik Steinmann: Dermaptera. Eudermaptera I. Das Tierreich 106, De Gruyter, 1989, pp. 493-494

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William F. Kirby: Order 9 - Orthoptera In: Charles W. Andrews: A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Physical Features and Geology , 1900, pp. 143-144
  2. a b Henrik Steinmann: Dermaptera. Eudermaptera I. Das Tierreich 106, De Gruyter, 1989, pp. 493-494.
  3. ^ John Woinarski: The Fate of Christmas Island Nature In: A Bat's End: The Christmas Island Pipistrelle and Modern Extinction in Australia Csiro Publishing, 2018, ISBN 978-1-486-30863-7 , p. 91