Patrick DeMare

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Patrick Baltzar DeMare (also: de Maré ; * 1916 in London ; † February 17, 2008 ibid) was a British psychiatrist , pioneer of group psychoanalysis and one of the first therapists to experiment with large groups. He is one of the founders of the Group Analytic Society and gave the Foulkes Lecture in 1985 .

life and work

Patrick DeMare is of Swedish descent and attended St Cyprian's School , Wellington College , and Peterhouse in Cambridge . He studied medicine at St George's Medical School , University of London , graduating in 1941. In 1942 he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps and trained Rickman and Wilfred Bion as military psychiatrists at Northfield Hospital . It was used in so-called exhaustion centers across Europe. Eventually he returned to Northfield Hospital , where he worked with HH Foulkes and Tom Main on the second Northfield Experiment .

After World War II he became a psychotherapeutic advisor at St George's Hospital . In 1952 he founded - together with SH Foulkes , Jane Abercrombie , James Anthony , Norbert Elias , Hon. WHR Iliffe and ET Marx - the Group Analytic Society (GAS), a few years later he was involved in setting up the Institute of Group Analysis and Group Analytic Practice involved.

In 1972 he published the standard work Perspectives in Group Psychotherapy and in 1974 - together with Lionel Kreeger - the Introduction to Group Treatment in Psychiatry . This book was dedicated to the patients and staff at Halliwick Hospital . In 1975 he began working with a large group at the Institute of Group Analysis , supported by Robin Piper the following year . The number of participants in this group finally leveled off at 20 participants and was then called the 'median group'. In 1984 he initiated a weekly seminar on large groups, which in 1986 was recognized and institutionalized as the large group section of the GAS. The American quantum physicist David Bohm went into therapy with De Mare and was strongly influenced by him.

In 1985 DeMare was invited to deliver the Foulkes Lecture , a public lecture by the Group Analytic Society to which only outstanding representatives of the field are invited. He put his speech under the title: Large Group Perspectives DeMare was firmly convinced that the large group opened the way from hatred to dialogue and in 1991 published the corresponding book on theory: Koinonia . Towards the end of his life, DeMare was increasingly turned to spirituality and esotericism . He died in London at the age of 92.

Important publications

By Patrick DeMare

  • Perspectives in Group Psychotherapy , Allen & Unwin 1972
  • (together with Lionel Kreeger ): Introduction to Group Treatment in Psychiatry , Butterworth 1974
  • Koinonia: From Hate through Dialogue to Culture in the Larger Group. Karnac Books 1991
  • (together with Roberto Schollberger ): A Case for Mind Group Analysis 37 (2003), 3

About Patrick DeMare

  • Lyndon, B. (2000). The Telos of Patrick de Maré: A Survey of Ideas and Implications. Group Analysis 33 (2000): 119-141
  • Pines, Malcom: Shepherding Group Analysis: Shepherds Past, Present and Future. Group 24: 1: 49-57 (2000)

Web links


  1. ^ Roger Chickering, Stig Förster: The Shadows of Total War: Europe, East Asia, and the United States Cambridge University Press 2003 ISBN 0521812364
  2. German: medium-sized group
  3. ^ David Bohm, F. David Peat Science Order and Creativity Routledge 2000 ISBN 0415171822
  4. ^ F. David Peat Pathways of Chance Pari Publishing 2007 ISBN 8890196017
  5. German: Large group perspectives