Patriota (Brazil)

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Party leader Adilson Barroso
founding August 9, 2011
Headquarters Barrinha , Sao Paulo
Alignment Nationalism
Conservatism Clerical Fascism
Christian Fundamentalism
Right-Wing Extremism
Colours) Green, blue, yellow and white
Parliament seats 9
Number of members 331,629 (April 2020)
Website Patriota website

Patriota , is a right-wing extremist and Christian fundamentalist party in Brazil .


Patriota was created in 2011 under the name Partido Ecológico Nacional (PEN) as a split from the Social Christian Party (PSC). In Brazil, PEN is also an abbreviation for the influential Pentecostais there ; In order to address broader sections of the population in the predominantly Catholic country, the name was changed to Patriota .

In the 2018 presidential election , the candidate Cabo Daciolo received around 1.3% of the vote and ended up in 6th place. Since 2019, she and her member Army General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira have been represented in the Cabinet for Institutional Security ( Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República ) in the cabinet of Jair Bolsonaro .


The party aims to transform Brazil into a Christian state of God .

In contrast to the two other right-wing religious parties PSL and PSC , which have their ideological and personal roots in the evangelical Pentecostal movement and pursue radically liberal economic programs, Patriota stands for the integration of all Christian groups, including the majority of the Catholics , is more statistically oriented and advocated in terms of economic policy a state interventionism , a protectionist economic order and limited social security.

Membership development

year number
as PEN: 2016, April 68,687
as PEN: 2017, April 72,673
as PEN: 2018, April 79,794
2020, April 331,629

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tribunal Superior Eleitoral : Estatísticas de eleitorado - Filiados. Retrieved May 29, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. a b Quem é Cabo Daciolo, o candidato nacionalista que quer transformar o Brasil em uma teocracia
  3. Cabo Daciolo, a desonra ea glória do protestantismo brasileiro - Época .
  4. Constança Rezende: De 'fruto de um Deus vivo' a líder de greve: quem é Cabo Daciolo - Notícias - UOL Eleições 2018 (pt-BR) . In: UOL Eleições 2018 . "Defensor de militares e evangélicos, esse catarinense de Florianópolis, de 42 anos, semper faz pronunciamentos marcados por citações religiosas e em tom que mistura messianismo e teorias conspiratórias."