Paul Bonte

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Paul Bonte (born July 12, 1862 in Lindow , † March 10, 1940 in Potsdam ) was a German naval chief general in the Imperial Navy .


Bonte studied medicine at the Medical and Surgical Friedrich Wilhelm Institute . On December 12, 1881 he became a chestnut in the Pépinière-Corps Franconia. On June 30, 1885 he received the corps bow . To the Dr. med. after receiving his doctorate, he joined the Imperial Navy as a one-year volunteer marine doctor . Most recently, Bonte acted as a garrison doctor and director of the Kiel medical depot. As a marine general physician, he was put on disposition on October 13, 1913 .

During the First World War , Bonte was reused as a ZD officer. He was initially from September 1914 to April 1916 fortress delegate for voluntary nursing in Wilhelmshaven and from the end of May 1916 at the command of the North Sea naval station . Here Bonte acted as deputy head of the medical office and station doctor. In mid-January 1917 he was assigned to the medical office of the North Sea naval station. From August to November 1918, Bonte was at the disposal of the station doctor at the North Sea naval station. After the war, his mobilization provision was abolished and Bonte received on March 9, 1920 nor the character as a naval commanding general physician. He spent his retirement in Potsdam.

See also


  • Dermot Bradley (eds.), Hans H. Hildebrand, Ernest Henriot: Germany's Admirals 1849-1945. The military careers of naval, engineering, medical, weapons and administrative officers with admiral rank. Volume 1: A-G. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1988, ISBN 3-7648-1499-3 , pp. 144-145.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Hans Brettner: Corps Franconia zu Hamburg 1911–1929. No. 112 on the list of members.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 60/183