Paul Gimmel

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Paul Gimmel (born April 4, 1889 in Berlin , † May 29, 1960 in Dresden ) was a German climber and mountaineer .


Paul Gimmel moved to Dresden in 1910, where he married Jenny Gimmel née Levi and lived until his death.

The trained businessman joined the union and the SPD . In his spare time he went on trips to the Elbe Sandstone Mountains , where his love for nature, rocks and mountains was awakened, so that in 1921 he joined the Saxon Mountaineering Association (SBB) and the tourist club "Wanderlust 1896 (TCW)". At SBB he was initially responsible for cooperation with the adult education center. Later he was a member of the board and was elected chairman in 1926. At the same time he published the newsletter of the SBB Der Bergsteiger . Since his half-Jewish wife was subject to reprisals, he resigned from the office of chairman of the SBB in 1931, whereupon he was appointed honorary chairman.

After the war he joined the KPD and in 1946 became a member of the SED . Since the re-admission of Friends of Nature was problematic in the Soviet occupation zone , the "Antifascist Tourist Movement ( ATB)" was founded, which after the forced unification of the KPD and SPD into the SED in the "Unity Tourist Movement (ETB)" and shortly thereafter in "Nature and Heimatfreunde ”, whose managing director he was in 1947/48. Professionally, he took over the management of the adult education center in Dresden in 1947 and switched to the adult education center for the Dresden-Land district in Radebeul in 1951 . In 1954, when he was already retired, he took on the role of secretary of the Society for the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge (later “URANIA”) in the Dresden-Land district.

In 1959 he went climbing with his son and grandchildren in Saxon Switzerland for the last time . The following year he died in Dresden.

Fonts (selection)

  • Tourism and its systems in the GDR . In: Sportorganisator , No. 5, July 1952, pp. 158-160


  • Fritz Leder: Paul Gimmel - mountain friend and comrade. In: der tourist , issue 4/1989, pp. 15-16
  • Joachim Schindler: Paul Gimmel. 1889-1960. Memorial book for the honorary chairman of the Saxon Mountaineering Association. Dresden 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Honorary Chairman of SBB Paul Gimmel ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: , accessed on February 20, 2017. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /