Paul Guermonprez

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Paul Guermonprez
(self-portrait, 1935)

Paul Gustave Sidonie Guermonprez (born 28. December 1908 in Ghent ; died 10. June 1944 in Overveen ) was a Belgian-Dutch Photographer resistance fighters against the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II ..


During the First World War, Guermonprez's family fled the Belgian battle zone to the neutral Netherlands , where Paul Guermonprez attended the Amsterdamse Suikerschool after primary school. From 1929 to 1932 he worked on sugar plantations in the Dutch East Indies and photographed the everyday life of Indonesians as an amateur photographer. Guermonprez went to Berlin in 1932 to study photography with Walter Peterhans at the Bauhaus , which had closed in Dessau in 1932 . After the handover of power to the National Socialists in 1933 , he returned to Amsterdam and founded the advertising company Co-op 2 .

Trude Guermonprez in the studio of Co-op 2 (1937)

In 1935 he was in Paris and has since worked in The Hague . In 1937 he made a trip to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia . In 1939 Guermonprez married the textile artist Gertrud Jalowetz (1910–1976), who had fled Germany . Guermonprez has been teaching at the Nieuwe Kunstschool in Amsterdam since 1934 and at the Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in The Hague from 1935 . When war broke out in 1939, he was drafted as an officer in the Dutch army and released after the German occupation of the Netherlands in 1940. He closed his advertising company in 1942 in protest against the establishment of the Nederlandsche Kultuurkamer , which was set up by the occupation administration at the end of 1941 as a compulsory organization based on the Reich Chamber of Culture .

Guermonprez was first arrested for three weeks in 1941. From May 4, 1942 to July 30, 1943, he was held hostage in Kamp Sint-Michielsgestel . After his conditional release he went into hiding with the help of the Dutch resistance. He took part in various resistance campaigns and was executed after his arrest in 1944.

After the war, Guermonprez was buried in the Bloemendaal Cemetery of Honor . He received the Verzetskruis posthumously .

Fonts (selection)

  • Eva's jongste butter: schoonheden van het zwakke en zwakheden van het schoone geslacht . Illustrations Leo Meter . Amsterdam: Bigot en Van Rossum, 1938
  • Praatjes en plaatjes van de soldaatjes . Illustrations by Wim van Overbeek . Amsterdam: H. Meulenhoff, 1940
  • Neerland's zones Neerland's heroes: oude songs behave in prijzende het leven van menig dapperen strijder voor zijn vaderland . Dispatched in advance by T. Guermonprez [sic!], Geïllustreerd by L. Meter en van een voorwoord voorzien by JWF Werumeus Buning. Zeist: Dijkstra, 1942


  • Rik Suermondt: Guermonprez, Paul , in Ingeborg Th. Leijerzapf (editor): Geschiedenis Nederlandse Fotografie, September 1992
  • Albrecht Pohlmann: model, artist and 'true Eva': the adventurous life of Trude Guermonprez . Halle an der Saale: Stekovics, 2003 ISBN 978-3-89923-051-2 (not viewed)
  • Albrecht Pohlmann: Friends, enemies, helpers, collaborators? : People around Trude and Paul Guermonprez , in: Willem Warnaars (Ed.): Tweegesprek , 2008, pp. 174–215
  • Frank van Lamoen: Paul Guermonprez en Co-op 2 . In: De boekenwereld, 2017, No. 2, pp. 22-27

Web links

Commons : Photographs by Paul Guermonprez  - collection of images, videos and audio files