Paul Helbronner

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Paul Helbronner, self-portrait

Paul Helbronner (born April 24, 1871 in Compiègne , Département Oise , † October 18, 1938 in Paris ) was a French mountaineer and geodesist .

Paul Helbronner, a graduate of the École polytechnique , belonged to a group of French mountaineering topographers who considered the available map material to be insufficient because of the gaps and the small scale. At his instigation, the French Alpine Association convened a topographical commission in December 1902 to develop maps on a large scale (1: 40,000 or 1: 50,000). As part of this commission he dealt with the surveying of the French Alps over the next few years. Among other things, he climbed La Meije in the Écrins massif in 1906 with a small group and extensive equipment for surveying and photographic work. He published the results of these activities in his monumental work Description géométrique détaillée des Alpes françaises ( Detailed geometric description of the French Alps ). The surveying work was extended to the entire French Alps in 1920 and was not completed until 1928.

Helbronner then worked on the direct geodetic connection between Corsica and the main Alpine ridge .

Paul Helbronner was appointed a member of the French Académie des Sciences in 1927 and was a member of the Bureau des Longitudes .

The lawyer and chairman of the Consistoire central israélite Jacques Helbronner was his brother.

The Pointe Helbronner in the Mont-Blanc group bears his name in his memory. In Chamonix-Mont-Blanc and Grenoble streets were named after him.


  • Description géométrique détaillée des Alpes françaises, Resumé des opérations exécutées jusqu'a la fin de 1911 pour la description géométrique détaillée des Alpes françaises , impr. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1912, 1931 (et Champsaur, Dévoluy, Ecrins, Pelvoux, 1935)
  • Au Travail sur le Grand Pic de la Meije, July 31, 1906 (Extrait du Tome X de la Description géométrique détaillée des Alpes françaises ), Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1935
  • Une Semaine Au Mont Blanc, Août 1893 , 1894

Web links

Commons : Paul Helbronner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. In memoriam Les Membres de l'Académie des sciences depuis sa création (en 1666): Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Helbronner ( Memento of September 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Obituary of Nature International weekly journal of science
  3. Officiers topographes et Topographes-alpinistes dans les Alpes françaises, 1890-1940 (PDF file; 7.25 MB)
  4. De l'idée initiale aux premiers travaux ... ou les blancs de la cartographie de haute montagne
  5. ^ Bibliothèque Dauphinoise
  6. In memoriam Les Membres de l'Académie des sciences depuis sa création (en 1666): Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Helbronner ( Memento of September 5, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  7. ^ Association Paul Helbronner