Paul Koettig

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Paul Richard Friedrich Koettig (born September 14, 1856 in Dresden ; † November 27, 1933 there ) was a German criminalist and lawyer. He was police chief of Dresden from 1904 to 1919 and in 1903 introduced dactyloscopy (fingerprinting) to German criminalistics.


Paul Koettig was the son of the Royal Mountain Councilor Richard Friedrich Koettig († 1901). He studied law at the University of Leipzig and became a member of the Grimensia Landsmannschaft . Koettig then joined the police force in 1885. In 1894, now a councilor, he became head of the criminal department of the Dresden police.

Under Police President Albin Le Maistre he did important work in the modernization of the police force and the development of scientific methods in criminalistics. In 1894, based on his idea, the Dresden Crime Museum was set up, which for decades was considered the best of its kind in Europe. In 1903 the Dresden police introduced the dactyloscopy as the first authority in the German Reich .

From around 1906 Koettig lived in a Striesen villa at Niederwaldstraße 2 that belonged to his wife. Koettig retired on September 30, 1919. His grave is in the Johannisfriedhof in Dresden .

Since 2013, the State Association of Saxony of the Federation of German Detective Officers has awarded the Paul Koettig Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of forensic science and forensic technology.

Individual evidence

  1. Register entry Köttig, Richard Friedrich in the German biography
  2. a b c Karsten Schlinzig: Dresden Police History . In: Dresdner Geschichtsbuch 9. Edited by the Dresden City Museum , Verlag Druckerei zu Altenburg 2003, p. 110ff.
  3. ^ Robert Heindl: System and practice of dactyloscopy and other technical methods of the criminal police. 2nd Edition. De Gruyter, Leipzig, Berlin 1922, p. 83 f.
  4. Address book for Dresden and its suburbs 1906. Part I (population register), p. 442 and part III (house book), p. 435. In the house book the entry reads as follows: “p [arterre] E [igentümer] Köttig, Grtr. Hildeg. married. Köttig, Paul, Poliz. = Presid., (Sommerw. [oehn]). "
  5. BDK Saxony awards the Paul Koettig Prize . From the website of the Landesverband Sachsen des Bundes Deutscher Kriminalbeamter.