Paul Roth (historian)

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Paul Roth (born October 3, 1896 in Basel ; † September 7, 1961 there ) was a Swiss historian and politician .


Paul Roth (1896–1961) Dr.  Historian, state archivist, grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Grave, Wolfgottesacker cemetery

Paul Roth studied history at the University of Basel . After internships and scientific assistants, he was state archivist for the canton of Basel-Stadt from 1933 to 1961 . From 1946 to 1952 he presided over the General History Research Society of Switzerland.

From 1926 to 1932 he represented the Evangelical People's Party in the Grand Council . In 1945 he became a member of the Liberal Democratic Party , for which he sat on the Citizens' Council from 1949 to 1957.

Fonts (selection)

  • The organization of the Basel bailiffs in the 18th century, Zurich 1922 (Diss. Basel)
  • Collection of files on the history of the Basel Reformation from 1519 to the beginning of 1534, vol. 3–6, Basel 1937–1950 (editor)
  • Breakthrough and establishment of the Reformation in Basel. A representation of the politics of the city of Basel in 1529 based on the public files, Basel 1942
  • The street names of the city of Basel , Basel 1959


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