Pavel Efimovich Kassatkin

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Pavel J. Kassatkin (1984)

Pavel Yefimovich Kassatkin ( Russian Павел Ефимович Касаткин * 1 . Jul / 14. December  1915 greg. In Semyon-Alexandrovka, Bobrower region, Voronezh Oblast ; † 19th May 1987 in Voronezh ) was a Russian poet .


Pawel Efimowitsch Kassatkin was born in the village of Semyon-Alexandrovka in Bobrov Raion of the Voronezh Oblast on December 14, 1915 as the sixth child. Childhood was marked by poverty and rural life. He lost his mother early and was raised by his stepmother.

In Bobrov he finished agricultural school. Then he moved to Leningrad . There he took up a medical degree.

In 1936, Kassatkin graduated from the Leningrad Medical Technical School as a doctor .
Immediately after completing his studies, he was drafted into the Red Army in 1937 . He served in Mongolia until he left in 1948 .

Pawel Kassatkin served at the front in the Japanese-Soviet War as a field doctor with the rank of field sergeant .

As a participant in the Battle of Chalchin Gol , he saved the lives of soldiers from both sides of the conflict.

At that time, in 1938, Kassatkin began to write his first poems. Parts of his first works were published in a Soviet collection of authors in Irkutsk in 1942 and in Ulan-Ude in 1947 and published throughout the USSR.

After leaving the army in 1948, he moved to Voronezh . There he worked as the head of the medical point in Bobrov until 1950, before becoming a journalist for various local newspapers.

In 1953 his first book Rodnaja Step was published with exclusively his own works. Other works of his own followed later.

In 1958 he successfully finished the party college of the CPSU . In 1960 Kassatkin was accepted into the Writers' Union of the USSR at the personal invitation of the then Board of Directors.

In 1975 Pawel Kassatkin was awarded the Badge of Honor of the Soviet Union ( Russian Орден "Знак Почёта") for his services to local and Soviet literature.

On May 19, 1987 Kassatkin died of cancer in his hometown Voronezh.


While studying together, he met his future wife Antonina Magazinskaja (1919-2014). On October 13, 1938, Kassatkin married Antonina Magazinskaja. Both were married until his death in 1987.

In 1939 his first child Eduard Pavlowitsch was born in Mongolia. His second child Tamara Pavlovna was born in Voronezh in 1951.


Kassatkin drew his literary inspiration from his journalistic activities and trips through his native regions. Therefore, he was also referred to by critics as the "singer of the native region" (Russian: "Певец родной край"). His works were equated with the works of the writer and poet Alexei Wassiljewitsch Kolzow (1809–1842).



  • Rodnaja Step, Voronezhsky Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1953
  • Pridonje , Voronezhsky Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1959
  • Salatoi Liwin, Voronezhsky Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1961
  • Voronezhki Pluessi , Voronezhsky Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1963
  • Zimnaja Skaska , Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1965
  • Semla Kolzowa , Isdatestwa << Sovjetskaja Russia >>, Moscow, 1965
  • Stepnaja Raduga, Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1967
  • Monologue Wisnij, Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1970
  • Solovye , Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1973
  • Na Lugu , Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1975
  • Moe Pole, Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1979, Library of Congress Classification: PG3482.5.S29 M6
  • Swoei Tropinkoi, Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1984, Library of Congress Classification: MLCS 84/13319 (P)
  • Sapawednaja Strana, Zentralnaja-Schernosimno Knijne Isdatestwa, Voronezh, 1987


  • Balalaika Russian «Балалайка»
  • Peznja o Voronezhe Russian «Песня о Воронеже»
  • Peznja o Manukowzach Russian «Песня о мануковцах»

Web links

Commons : Pawel Efimowitsch Kassatkin  - collection of images