Pavel Polievktovich Schorygin

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Pawel Polijewktowitsch Schorygin , Russian Павел Полиевктович Шорыгин , English transcription Pavel Polievktovič Šorygin, (born April 28, 1881 in Gorki in Ujesd Kowrov , Vladimir governorate ; † April 29, 1939 in Moscow ) was a Russian chemist.


Shorygin came from a family of weaving mills who were Old Believers . He studied at the Technical College in Moscow (where he published his first scientific paper in 1903 with his teacher Vasily Wassiljewitsch Scharwin ) and from 1903 to 1906 in Freiburg im Breisgau, where he received his doctorate in 1906 as an academic student of Ludwig Gattermann (On chemical luminescence, Crystal luminescence and triboluminescence). He then taught at the Moscow Technical College (later the Technical University), and in 1910 received his Russian doctorate from Lomonosov University and taught from 1919 to 1925 as a professor at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine (until it moved to Leningrad), from 1921 to 1925 at the Forestry Institute and from 1925 to 1939 at the Chemical-Technological Institute (Mendeleev Institute).

He mainly investigated organic compounds with sodium and here the Schorygin synthesis (1907) is named after him (addition of a sodium alkyl to a CO double bond as in aldehydes or ketones ). Later he dealt with carbohydrates and cellulose (about which he published books in 1938 on carbohydrates and 1939 on cellulose ) and the production of synthetic fibers and was from 1931 scientific director at the Institute for Synthetic Fibers in Mytishchi . Important work also concerned the nitration of organic compounds.

In 1932 he became a corresponding and in 1939 a full member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

His son Peter Pavlovich Schorygin (1911-2009) was also a chemist and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1981).


References and comments

  1. ^ Molecular spectroscopy, resonance Raman scattering, physical organic chemistry. State Prize of the USSR 1979.