Penchen Sangpo Trashi

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
པཎ་ ཆེན་ བཟང་པོ་ བཀྲ་ ཤིས་
Wylie transliteration :
paN chen bzang po bkra shis
Chinese name
Simplified :
班 钦 • 桑布扎西
Pinyin :
Banqin Sangbu Zhaxi

Penchen Sangpo Trashi ( Tib. PaN chen bzang po bkra shis * 1410 , † 1478 ) was a clergyman of the Gelug -School of Tibetan Buddhism and founder of Gangchen Monastery (1442), one of the leading educational institutions of Tsang in the 16th and 17th century.

After the death of his teacher Gendün Drub - who was posthumously appointed 1st Dalai Lama - Sangpo Trashi was his successor for four years as abbot of Trashilhünpo monastery . His successor in turn was Penchen Lungrig Gyatsho ( paN chen lung rigs rgya mtsho ), also a student of Gendün Drub.

Besides Tsangchung Chödrag ( gtsang chung chos grags ) and the 1st Phagpa Lha ( 'phags pa lha ) Phagpa Dechen Dorje ( ' phags pa bde chen rdo rje ; 1439–1487) and Norsang Gyatsho ( nor bzang rgya mtsho ; 1423–1517) Penchen Sangpo Trashi was one of the main students of Trichen Lodrö Chökyong ( khri chen blo gros chos skyong ), the 5th Ganden Thripa ( dga 'ldan khri pa ).


"Panchen Zangpo Tashi, one of Lama Gangchen's reincarnations, founded the Gangchen Choepel Ling monastery. His successor, the second regent of the throne, was Drubchok Ghialwa Sandrup - a great yogi and master who gave various philosophical teachings. "


  • paN chen bzang po bkra shis kyi gsung 'bum (Collected Works of Penchen Sangpo Trashi)

See also


Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Chinese Gangjian si 岗 坚 寺, in the village (Chinese) Gangjiancun 岗 坚 村 (Gangchen) of the community (Chinese) Chexiu 扯 休 乡 of the Sa'gya (Sakya) district of Xigazê (Shigatse), Tibet (cf. Sajia xian gaikuang ( Memento of the original from April 8, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. & .cn: Gangjian si  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ) - The monastery is also under the name Gangchen Chopel ( gangs can chos' phel ) or Tsang Gangchen Gonpa ( gtsang gangs can dgon pa ) etc. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. On the gdan rabs sequence of the Trashilhünpo monastery ( bkra shis lhun po ), see E. Gene Smith, p. 130 f.
  3. The Fifth Ganden Tripa, Lodro Chokyong (Samten Chhosphel)
  4. Lama Michel Rinpoche
Penchen Sangpo Trashi (alternative names of the lemma)
Banqin Sangbu Zhaxi; 班 钦 • 桑布扎西; Panchen Sangpo Tashi; Panchen Zangpo Tashi; pan chen bzang po bkra shis; Zangpo Tashi package; paN chen bzang po bkra shis; bZang po bkra shis (Pan chen); བཟང་པོ་ བཀྲ་ ཤིས ། (པཎ་ ཆེན །); Zangpo Tashi; 班 钦桑布扎西