Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii

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Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Pachycereeae
Genre : Peniocereus
Type : Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii
Scientific name
Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii
( JLContr. , J.Jiménez Ram. , Sánchez-Mej. & CAToledo ) DRHunt

Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii is a species of plant in the genus Peniocereus from the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet honors the Mexican Lázaro Cárdenas del Río .


Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii grows shrubby and reaches heights of 1 to 1.25 meters. The yellowish, fleshy roots are bulbous and tufted. The very slender, grayish and densely downy shoots are cylindrical. They branch well above the soil surface. The shoots have a diameter of 8 to 10 millimeters and are 40 centimeters and more long. There are up to five ribs on young shoots, but only five to six on older ones. The nine to twelve yellowish to whitish, conical thorns are protruding or bent back. They are 1 to 5 millimeters long.

The white, salver-shaped flowers are 7 to 8 inches long. The pericarpell is humped, covered with wool and a few thorns. The egg-shaped fruits are 3 to 4 inches long.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii is common in the Mexican states of Guerrero and Michoacán .

The first description as Neoevansia lazaro-cardenasii was in 1980 by José Luis Regino Contreras Jiménez , Jaime Jiménez Ramírez , Hernándo Sánchez-Mejorada and Carlos Arturo Toledo Manzur . David Richard Hunt placed the species in the genus Peniocereus in 1991 . A synonym is Wilcoxia lazaro-cardenasii (JLContr., J.Jiménez Ram., Sánchez-Mej. & C.Toledo) A.Cartier .

In the Red List of Threatened Species of IUCN is the species as " Endangered (EN) ," d. H. listed as endangered.



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Birkhäuser 2004, ISBN 3-540-00489-0 , p. 134.
  2. JL Contreras, RJ Jimenez, H. Sanchez Mejorada, MC Toledo: Neoevansia lazaro-cardenasii, una nueva especie de Cactacea . In: Cactaceas y Suculentas Mexicanas . Volume 25, Number 3, 1980, pp. 51-54.
  3. Bradleya . Volume 9, 1991, p. 90.
  4. Peniocereus lazaro-cardenasii in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Terrazas, T., Cházaro, M. & Arreola, H., 2009. Retrieved January 25, 2014.