Zoned pore lichen

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Zoned pore lichen
Pertusaria albescens

Pertusaria albescens

Class : Lecanoromycetes
Subclass : Ostropomycetidae
Order : Pertusariales
Family : Pertusariaceae
Genre : Pertusaria
Type : Zoned pore lichen
Scientific name
Pertusaria albescens
( Huds. ) M. Choisy & Werner

The zoned pore lichen ( Pertusaria albescens , synonym : Pertusaria albescens var. Albescens ) is a crusty lichen from the family of Pertusariaceae that is common in Central Europe and usually grows on tree bark.


Pertusaria albescens is a lichen planus, i. H. their thallus lies close to the base. The camp is gray to greenish gray in color. It can be smooth, uneven or faintly cracked and is sometimes limited by a so-called pre-storage, which appears zoned by light and dark stripes. The rounded, whitish sorals are sharply demarcated and concave to slightly arched (in the similar Pertusaria amara they are usually more arched). Apothecia are very rare.


The species is found all over Europe, with the exception of the northern boreal zone . It colonizes the bark of deciduous trees (there also over mosses), especially of street and fruit trees.


Web links

Commons : Pertusaria albescens  - album with pictures, videos and audio files