Peter Evers

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Peter Evers is a German director and screenwriter .


Evers grew up in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. After high school and community service, he attended the technical college for photography in Stuttgart from 1990 to 1993, followed by a six-month stay as a professional photographer in Ecuador and on the Galapagos Islands . He then worked for the next two years in 1993/94 at the Stuttgart State Theater in the Light Design Department.

Evers did his internship as a director during a break in the state theater on the set of the US movie "The Radicals". Which then successfully avowed his film "The Umbrella Man" entrance exam at the Vienna Film Academy led him to Austria, where he 1995-2000 at the Vienna Film Academy studied directing and screenwriting. His first film, "Der Polifinario", shot at the Film Academy received a nomination for the "New Cinema Prize " at the Viennale .

During his studies he founded the film support agency “Filmfest-Vienna Film Support” in Vienna, specializing in service production, casting and running a film studio. In the following years Evers worked in Germany, Austria, South Africa, Namibia and the Baltic States as a line producer , 2nd unit director, assistant director and caster for cinema and television films as well as series.

Evers sold the film festival production in order to be able to devote more time to his creative work. Various of his scripts were bought and filmed by Lisa Film , Filmline, Monafilm, Satel Film and others. His screenplay “G'stätten” received the renowned Thomas Strittmatter Screenplay Prize at the 2014 Berlinale . For the film "Exit", for which he wrote the screenplay and which he also directed, he was nominated for the director's award at the Emden-Norderney International Film Festival and was awarded the special prize of the jury, the "Desk by the sea “, Honored for his writing.

The film “ A Gschicht über d'Lieb ” (screenplay and director Evers) was shown at the Max Ophüls Prize film festival, the Emden-Norderney International Film Festival, the Ludwigshafen Film Festival and others before it was released . a. with various award nominations. The Berliner Tagesspiegel selected the film as one of the most important films of 2019. In the same year, its leading actress Svenja Jung was awarded the prize for the best young actress ( Bavarian Film Prize ) for the film “A Gschicht über D'Lieb” .

Peter Evers lives alternately in Austria and Germany. He is currently working on a new SWR mini-series and various feature film projects, for which he also wrote the scripts.

Filmography (selection)

As a director

As a screenwriter

Awards and nominations

  • 2014: Berlinale Thomas Strittmatter Prize screenplay
  • 2017: International Filmfest Emden Special prize of the jury "Desk by the sea"
  • 2017: Internationales Filmfest Emden Director Award Short Film / nominated
  • 2019: Internationales Filmfest Emden Director's Award Score Bernhard-Wicki-Award / nominated
  • 2019: Internationales Filmfest Emden NDR Young Talent Award / nominated
  • 2019: Max Ophüls Prize / nominated
  • 2019: Festival of German Films Ludwigshafen Rheingold Prize / nominated
  • 2019: Filmfest Chemnitz Prize "Blickpunkt Deutschland" / nominated

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. THOMAS STRITTMATTER PRIZE to Peter Evers for “G'stätten” , Sincerely, Film Funding
  2. ^ A Gschicht über d'Lieb , Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis