Peter Facklam

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Peter Facklam (1987)

Peter Facklam (born 1930 in Basel ) is a Swiss politician ( LDP ). From 1980 to 1992 he was a member of the government of the Canton of Basel-Stadt .


Peter Facklam was born and raised in Basel. He studied law in Basel and Geneva . His doctoral supervisor was Hans Peter Tschudi .

Facklam worked from 1958 to 1960 at the permanent state unification office and from 1960 to 1980 at the Basler Volkswirtschaftsbund, most recently as director. He was also President of the Christoph Merian Foundation (CMS) .

From 1974 to 1980 Facklam was a member of the Engerer Bürgerrat, the executive branch of the civil parish of the city of Basel . In 1978 he presided over it.

In 1980 the LDP nominated Facklam as a candidate for the government council elections. He was able to defend the seat of the resigning Lukas Burckhardt for the party in the second ballot. Facklam took over the Justice Department. He was confirmed in the second ballot in the 1984 elections and in the first ballot in the 1988 elections. In 1992 he missed re-election in the first ballot. On the day after the election, he announced that he would not take the second ballot, even though he had barely achieved the absolute majority. The LDP then put Ueli Vischer as a new candidate and was able to successfully defend its seat with him.

One of the reasons given for its performance was the government's quarrel. From the point of view of the bourgeoisie, the SP government councilors, particularly Remo Gysin , who was not re-elected in the second ballot , repeatedly violated the principle of collegiality. Facklam was considered one of Gysin's main opponents. In addition, Facklam's drug policy met with rejection in the bourgeois camp. At that time, the Basel government had Gassenzimmer set up to combat the open drug scenes on the Heuwaage, on Spitalstrasse and at the art museum . There, heroin users were able to inject themselves under clean conditions. The alley room at the art museum, in the vicinity of which many wealthy and influential Basel residents lived, caused resistance in particular. Facklam also set up the office of drug delegate and filled it with the green Zurich Cantonal Councilor Thomas Kessler . His successor in the Justice Department, Jörg Schild , who had previously threatened as a public prosecutor to search anyone who entered one of these alley rooms, continued Facklam's policy and cooperation with Kessler.

Facklam was government president in the years 1982/83 and 1989/90.

After his tenure as a member of the government, he was President of SOS Children's Villages Switzerland, the sponsoring committee of the GGG foreigners advice service and the Transfer Foundation, which campaigns for the transfer of market-based knowledge to Eastern Europe.

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical . In: Neubadmagazin . No. December 12 , 2011, p. 17 ( [PDF; accessed on April 22, 2020]).
  2. Valentin Kressler: A place for the "father of the AHV" . In: Basler Zeitung . June 16, 2009, p. 11 .
  3. The forum guest . In: Basler Zeitung . March 17, 1997, p. 15 .
  4. ^ Rolf Schenk: Grand Council and Government Council elections 1980: Shift change in the opposition . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1980 . Basel 1981, p. 69–72, here p. 71 ( [accessed June 7, 2020]).
  5. Heinz Herold: 100 years of the Basel community - right through the anniversary year . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1976 . Basel 1977, p. 18–32, here p. 24 ( [accessed June 7, 2020]).
  6. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): December 10, 1974. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  7. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): April 29, 1980. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  8. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): June 27, 1978. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved June 3, 2020 .
  9. ^ Rolf Schenk: Grand Council and Government Council elections 1980: Shift change in the opposition . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1980 . Basel 1981, p. 69–72, here p. 71 f . ( [accessed April 25, 2020]).
  10. ^ Rolf Schenk: Grand Council and Government Council elections 1980: Shift change in the opposition . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1980 . Basel 1981, p. 69–72, here p. 72 ( [accessed April 25, 2020]).
  11. ^ Arnold Schneider: Stability and Surprise; General council and government council elections in 1984 . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1984 . Basel 1985, p. 25–29, here pp. 27–29 ( [accessed on April 26, 2020]).
  12. ^ Arnold Schneider: rustling leaves or storm signs? General council and government council elections in 1988 . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1988 . Basel 1989, p. 9–14, here pp. 13–14 ( [accessed April 26, 2020]).
  13. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): January 20, 1992. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved April 27, 2020 .
  14. Christof Wamister: Fresh wind in the government - complex majorities in Parliament. The total renewal of the political authorities . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1992 . Basel 1993, p. 79–81, on this p. 81 ( [accessed on February 3, 2020]).
  15. ^ Arnold Schneider: rustling leaves or storm signs? General council and government council elections in 1988 . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1988 . Basel 1989, p. 9–14, here pp. 13–14 ( [accessed April 26, 2020]).
  16. Ursula Schnieper: Portrait of Remo Gysin. In: DRS Aktuell. June 25, 1987. Retrieved July 29, 2019 .
  17. Christof Wamister: Fresh wind in the government - complex majorities in Parliament. The total renewal of the political authorities . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1992 . Basel 1993, p. 79–81, on this p. 81 ( [accessed on February 3, 2020]).
  18. Christof Wamister: Fresh wind in the government - complex majorities in Parliament. The total renewal of the political authorities . In: Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): Basler Stadtbuch 1992 . Basel 1993, p. 79–81, on this p. 81 ( [accessed on February 3, 2020]).
  19. Leif Simonsen: A city on needles . In: Switzerland at the weekend . August 18, 2018, p. 36 .
  20. ^ Christoph Eymann: Successful Basel drug policy . In: NZZ . September 10, 1997, p. 15 .
  21. S. Aiolfi: Drug Policy Paul; The Basel government councilor Jörg Schild resigns after 14 years in office . In: NZZ . March 28, 2006, p. 15 .
  22. S. Aiolfi: Drug Policy Paul; The Basel government councilor Jörg Schild resigns after 14 years in office . In: NZZ . March 28, 2006, p. 15 .
  23. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): April 19, 1989. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  24. Christoph Merian Foundation (Ed.): April 15, 1982. In: Basler Chronik. Retrieved April 24, 2020 .
  25. Markus Sutter: For Peter Facklam the world has gotten bigger . In: Basler Zeitung . August 5, 2000, p. 26 .