Peter Fiebag

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Peter Fiebag (* 1958 ) is a German writer and author in the field of border sciences.


Peter Fiebag studied philology , economics and communication science at the University of Göttingen . Linguistic studies led him to the field of Mayan studies .

In 1985 he published his first book "The Discovery of the Holy Grail" with his brother Johannes Fiebag . Like his brother, who died in 1999, he published numerous books in the following years on the subject of pre-astronautics , aliens , UFOs and similar border-scientific topics. Scientifically adept, he also takes on historical topics. In addition, he is involved in the Research Association for Archeology, Astronautics and SETI (AAS) as a speaker and publicist .

His works have been published in a total of 18 languages: Bulgarian, Danish, German, French, Finnish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Slovenian, Slovak, Czech and Hungarian. Further publications followed in England and the USA.

Peter Fiebag is director of studies and teaches economics at a specialized high school as a political, history and German teacher and is school coordinator at BBS I Northeim .


In 1996, Peter Fiebag and his brother Johannes Fiebag were awarded the Dr. A. Hedri Prize by the Swiss Hedri Foundation “in recognition of his objective, critical investigations” .

Publications (selection)

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