Peter Grossardt

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Peter Grossardt (born August 11, 1963 in Altstätten ) is a Swiss classical philologist .


Peter Grossardt studied Greek, Latin, Russian and pedagogy at the University of Freiburg (Switzerland) and at the Free University of Berlin from 1983 and graduated in 1990 with a licentiate. He then taught Latin at the Olten Cantonal School until 1995 and continued to do research. After studying at University College London (1995/96), he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD . Further study trips took him from 1998–2002 to the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Harvard University . From 2002 to 2004 he held a lectureship in comparative literature at the University of Freiburg, where he qualified as a professor there in 2004 in classical philology and comparative literature. From 2004 to 2008 he worked on the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich , from 2008 as a research assistant at the University of Leipzig . In 2011 he was employed there as a teacher for special tasks and completed his habilitation. In January 2015 he was appointed adjunct professor for classical philology.

Grossardt's research covers a wide range of Greek and Latin literature and its reception. The focus is on Homeric epics , archaic poetry , Greek mythology and Greek literature of the imperial era . He often includes the perspective of comparative literary studies in his work.

Fonts (selection)

  • The deceptions in the Odyssey and their reception in ancient literature (= Sapheneia. Volume 2). Lang, Bern 1998, ISBN 978-3-906759-85-2 (also dissertation, University of Friborg).
  • The story of Meleager. On the literary development of the Calydonian cult legend (= Mnemosyne Supplement 215). Brill, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-04-11952-3 .
  • Introduction, translation and commentary on the Heroikos by Flavius ​​Philostrat (= Swiss Contributions to Classical Studies. Volume 33). 2 volumes, Schwabe, Basel 2006, ISBN 978-3-7965-2203-1 (also habilitation thesis, University of Friborg).
  • Achilles, Coriolan and their companions. A plea for a treatment of Achilles anger from the perspective of comparative epic research (= Classica Monacensia. Volume 36). G. Narr, Tübingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-8233-6483-2 .
  • Stesichoros between cultic practice, mythical tradition and one's own claim to art. On the treatment of the Helen myth in the work of the poet from Himera (= Leipzig Studies for Classical Philology. Volume 9). Narr, Tübingen 2012, ISBN 978-3-8233-6767-3 .
  • Praeconia Maeonidae magni. Studies on the development of the Homer vita in archaic and classical times (= Leipzig studies on classical philology. Volume 10). Narr Francke Attempto, Tübingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-8233-8060-3 .

Web links