Peter Horst

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Peter Horst (born September 26, 1927 in Groß-Leistenau , Graudenz district , West Prussia ; † June 13, 2008 in Kassel ), was a pastor and hymn author.

Peter Horst was pastor in Kassel since 1955 and in Baunatal since 1969 . From 1976 to 1992 he was director of studies for confirmation classes at the Pedagogical-Theological Institute in Kassel and an employee of the German Evangelical Church Congress .

Peter Horst is the co-author of the hymns child, you are entrusted to us (together with Friedrich Karl Barth and Gerhard Grenz ; EG 582 Württ. / 576 Bay / Thür.) And you are blessed when you simply live (together with Friedrich Karl Barth , Music by Peter Janssens ; EG 651 Württ. / 644 Bay / Thür.) And Come, build a house (together with Friedrich Karl Barth and Hans-Jürgen Netz , music by Peter Janssens; EG 640 Bay / Thür.) As well as the musical Uns Allen Death blossoms (together with Friedrich Karl Barth, music by Peter Janssen).

See also: List of hymn poets


  • Weed Life (1977)
  • Death Blooms Us All (1979)
  • The time is right (1981)
  • I love life (1981)
  • So that the earth may become home (1989)


  • Peter Horst among others: Confirmation courses in Baunatal. Burckhardthaus, Gelnhausen 1972, ISBN 3-7664-0031-2
  • Friedrich Karl Barth, Gerhard Grenz and Peter Horst: Divine service humane. An agenda. Complete edition. Peter Hammer Verlag, Wuppertal 1990, ISBN 3-87294-414-2
  • Peter Horst: When Noah got out of the ark. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 1994, ISBN 3-579-02384-5

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