Peter Jeschke

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Peter Jeschke

Peter Jeschke (born September 15, 1895 in Glatz , Silesia , † December 14, 1979 in Kiel ) was a German lawyer and local politician.


Peter Jeschke was the son of a public prosecutor . From 1910 the family lived in Kiel. After graduating from high school , he began to study law in Munich in 1914. After the outbreak of the First World War he interrupted his studies, volunteered and served on the Western Front. After the war he continued his studies in Kiel. In 1920 he passed the state examination and received his doctorate . After the assessor exam in 1923, he settled in Kiel as a lawyer in 1924.

After the end of World War II , when he was a major in the Luftwaffe d. R. participated, Peter Jeschke was city ​​treasurer of Kiel from June 1945 to 1948 and then a member of the council assembly until 1951 ; while he was until 1950 Mayor and 1950-1951 Mayor .

In addition to his work as a lawyer, Jeschke worked as a volunteer for many years , including for the German Red Cross and the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge .


Web links

Commons : Peter Jeschke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Office of the Federal President