Peter Lyman

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G. Peter Lyman (born September 13, 1940 in San Francisco , California , † July 2, 2007 in Berkeley , California) was an American information scientist .


Lyman made in 1962 at the Stanford University 's Bachelor Accounts (BA) in Philosophy and in 1963 his Master (MA) in Political Science in Berkeley . In 1972, he was at Stanford in political science doctorate ( Ph.D. ).

He co-founded James Madison College, a boarding school with a focus on public policy, at Michigan State University . There he was a faculty member from 1967 until he moved to the University of Southern California (USC) in 1987. At USC he founded the "Center for Scholarly Technology" and was its director; he built the institute into one of the world's leading libraries with a unique library information system. In 1991 he also became head of the university library at USC.

In 1994 he moved to the University of Berkeley to the chair for information management and systems at what is now the "UC Berkeley School of Information". In addition, from 1994 to 1998 he was director of the university library at UC Berkeley. In 2006 he retired .

Lyman was an associate editor of the American Behavioral Scientist, the Journal of Electronic Publishing, and the Information Technology, Education and Society. He was a member of the board of directors of Sage Publishing, Inc., as well as a former board member of EDUCOM, the Research Libraries Group (RLG), The Babbage Institute, the Technical Advisory Board of the Commission on Preservation and Access, the Council on Library and Information Resources ( CLIR) and the Internet Archive.

Peter Lyman died of complications from a brain tumor . He was married to Professor Barrie Thorne and had two children.

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