Pastor Initiative Germany

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The Pastor Initiative Germany is an association of Roman Catholic priests and deacons in Germany . It was founded in 2007 with the aim of church reform .

In a declaration of urgent concern from November 2007, the concerns of the pastors' initiative in Austria were taken up.

A group of pastors was formed in March 2012 in the Archdiocese of Cologne . When the Austrian spokesman and pastor Helmut Schüller took part in a panel discussion in an alternative program in Mannheim in June 2012 on the 98th German Catholic Day in Mannheim, without an official invitation, there was broad international coverage of the concerns of church reform. In June 2012, pastors in the Archdiocese of Freiburg came up with the Freiburg Declaration , where they professed to give communion to divorced remarried people. By August 2013, priests and deacons from the dioceses of Augsburg, Freiburg, Fulda, Cologne, Munich-Freising, Passau, Rottenburg-Stuttgart and Würzburg had come together.

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Individual evidence

  1. Dear Helmut Schüller, dear colleagues of the pastors' initiative in Austria and meanwhile far beyond! (PDF; 217 kB) Msgr. Wolfgang Bretschneider u. a., March 2012
  2. Carsten Frerk : Katholikentag: Alternative program Humanistic Press Service , May 10, 2012
  3. Peter Wensierski : Priest rebel Schüller. "Rome supports a retro church". Interview with Helmut Schüller, Spiegel Online , May 16, 2012
  4. On the Catholic Day. Huge interest in Helmut Schüller Wiener Zeitung APAweb dpa Uli Deck, May 19, 2012
  5. ^ German "Pastor Initiative" founded. In: August 9, 2013, accessed August 9, 2013 .