Rectory Ebersbach (Obergünzburg)

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Rectory in Ebersbach

The rectory in Ebersbach , a district of the market town of Obergünzburg in the Ostallgäu district in the Bavarian administrative district of Swabia , was built in 1689/90. The rectory at Willofser Strasse 2, north of the Catholic parish church of St. Ulrich , is a protected architectural monument .

The two-storey saddle roof construction with shingle cladding on the gable has three to six window axes . The parsonage, rebuilt in the 19th century, had a house chapel.


Web links

Commons : Pfarrhaus Ebersbach  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 51 ′ 12 "  N , 10 ° 28 ′ 23"  E