Philip Rubens

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Portrait of Philip Rubens (painting by Peter Paul Rubens 1610/11)
Four philosophers, scene from left: Peter Paul Rubens, his brother Philip, the scholar Lipsius and his pupil Jan van der Wouwere (painting by Peter Paul Rubens 1611)

Philip Rubens , also Philippus Rubenius , (born April 27, 1574 in Siegen ( County Nassau-Dillenburg ), † August 28, 1611 in Antwerp ) was a philologist and the older brother of Peter Paul Rubens .


Philip Rubens was one of five children from the marriage of Jan Rubens and Maria Pypelinckx . His father was a lawyer trained in the Netherlands and Italy and a lay judge in Antwerp . In 1568 he and his family had to flee to Cologne in the wake of the religious unrest - Jan Rubens had contact with Calvinist circles , lived at 10 Sternengasse and worked, among other things, as an advisor to Anna of Saxony , the second wife of Wilhelm of Orange . After Jan and Anna had started a relationship, the lay judge was arrested in front of Siegen and in 1571 was taken to the prison in Dillenburg Castle. Supported by the persistent advocacy of his wife Maria, the detention was converted into house arrest after two years, which the Rubens family spent in Siegen. In 1578 the family was allowed to move back to Cologne. After Jan Rubens' death in 1587, Maria Pypelinckx moved back to Antwerp with her children.

Philip Rubens studied at the University of Leuven , among others with the Flemish philosopher and philologist Justus Lipsius . He was initially secretary to the statesman and diplomat Jean Richardot and teacher of his children. In 1601 he traveled to Rome and received his doctorate in both rights . In 1604 he returned to Flanders, but shortly afterwards changed to a professor at the University of Bologna and was also librarian and secretary to Cardinal Ascanio Colonna from the Colonna family .

In 1606 he returned to Antwerp and in 1609 became council clerk for the city of Antwerp. In 1610 he married Marie de Moy, daughter of the Antwerp mayor Hendrik de Moy . Claire, his wife's sister, was the stepmother of Isabella Brant , the (first) wife of his brother Peter Paul Rubens. The marriage of Philip and Marie had two children.


  • Electorum libri II. In quibus antiqui ritus, emendationes, censurx , Antwerp 1608
  • S. Asterii Episcopi Amaseæ Homiliæ Græce & Latine , Antwerp 1615

Web links

Commons : Philip Rubens  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Gilbert Tournoy, Jeanine Landtsheer, Jan Papy: Justus Lipsius Europae Lumen Et Columen , Leuven 1999
  2. ^ A b Max Rooses: "Rubens (Philippe)", IN: Biographie Nationale de Belgique , Edition 20, pp. 313-317