Philipp Melanchthon Chapel (Berlin-Rudow)

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Philipp Melanchthon Chapel

The Philipp Melanchthon Chapel is at Orchideenweg 75 in Berlin-Rudow .


The chapel was inaugurated on October 27, 1935 as a place of worship as the "Evangelical Congregational Home Philipp-Melanchthon" for the Berlin-Rudow parish. At that time the whole district was still sparsely populated. With the population increase, the community home was expanded by an extension , which was completed on September 3, 1937. Today the kindergarten is located in the extension .

1975, the band developed by the construction of the community center on the neighboring property no. 77 to a design by Hardy Treger to a community center . With the inauguration of the parish hall on June 22, 1975, the spatial situation relaxed so that parish activities could be expanded.

On August 1, 1969, the Philipp Melanchthon Chapel was separated from the parish of Rudow and incorporated into the neighboring parish of the Dreieinigkeitskirche at Lipschitzallee 7 in today's Gropiusstadt .

Building description

The building complex consists of only two parts, the chapel with the former sister's apartment at the front, which is now used as an office, and the extension to the chapel. The parish hall has since been sold.

The church nave, which is covered with a gable roof , has a rectangular floor plan in a south-west-north-east direction and a small church tower with the portal is in front of the south corner . Two bells hang in the tower, the smaller one dates back to the time of the inauguration, the larger one was melted down during World War II and replaced in 1960.

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 26 ′ 5.9 ″  N , 13 ° 29 ′ 8.1 ″  E