Philipp David

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Philipp David (* 1973 ) is a German theologian .


He studied American Culture, Literature and Politics (1993–1994) at Calvin College and Protestant theology in Heidelberg (1994–1997), Berlin (1997–1998) and Kiel (1998–2000). He passed his first theological exam ( North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church ) and diploma in Protestant theology in 2000. He was a research associate at the Institute for Systematic Theology and Social Ethics from 2001 to 2005 in Kiel and worked on the third-party funded project “Verlagsverein des Theologische Arbeitskreis Pfullingen eV” at Wilfried Härle ( University of Heidelberg ). From 2004 to 2007 he was editor of the “Marburg Yearbook Theology”. From 2005 to 2006 he completed a vicariate (school vicariate) in Pries - Friedrichsort . After receiving his doctorate and faculty award at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (2006), he was a research assistant at the Institute for Systematic Theology (2006–2009) / (2010–2016). Research assistant at the Institute of Systematic Theology at the University of Hamburg he was from 2009 to 2010. After habilitation in 2015 he represented as a lecturer , the assistant professor of systematic theology and philosophy of religion at the University of Zurich (2015). From 2016 to 2017 he represented the professorship for systematic theology, church history and sociology of religion at Bielefeld University . Academic Council a. From 2017 to 2018 he was at the theological faculty in Kiel. Since 2018 he has been teaching as a university professor for systematic theology / ethics at the Justus Liebig University Gießen / Goethe University Frankfurt am Main .

His research and teaching focuses on the doctrine of God, philosophy of religion, theology, dialogue and hermeneutics of religions, criticism of religion ('death of God'), cultural hermeneutics, political ethics and anthropology and existential thinking.

Works (selection)

  • Bright spot of peace. Basics of a sapiential theology of religions following Nikolaus von Kues , Berlin 2006 ( Kieler Theologische Reihe , Volume 3; also: Diss. Theol. University of Kiel).
  • Theology in public. Contributions from the Kiel Theological University Days from 1997 to 2006 , Hamburg 2007 ( Kiel Theological Series , Volume 5).
  • with Frank Ahlmann: Life under the sign of distance from God. Theological forays on the border between science and wisdom , Hamburg 2007 ( Kiel Theological Series , Volume 6).
  • with Hartmut Rosenau: Resurrection. Lecture series of the Theological Faculty Kiel , Berlin 2009 ( Kiel Theological Series , Volume 10).
  • with Maike Schult: Words. Theological exploration of literature , Berlin 2011 ( Kiel Theological Series , Volume 11).
  • with Hartmut Rosenau and Aaron Schart: Risk and Trust. Thinking impulses in honor of Horst-Martin Barnikol , Berlin 2014 ( Theology: Research and Science , Vol. 37).

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