Philipp Jakob Schröter

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Philipp Jakob Schröter (born July 8, 1553 in Vienna , † May 31, 1617 in Jena ) was a German physician .


Schröter was the son of the Jena medicine professor Johannes von Schröter and his wife Ursula Großhaupt. After initial training by his father, in 1567 he obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy at the University of Jena . In the meantime he had continued his studies at the University of Leipzig , where he may have acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy. He also stayed in Padua for a while, where he matriculated at the end of 1574. In 1576 he acquired a baccalaureate in medical sciences in Jena and then embarked on a gentleman's journey that took him to Italy.

Returning to Jena, he completed his inaugural disputation de Febri ardente with Andreas Ellinger on June 19, 1581 and was then awarded a doctorate in medicine . On March 29, 1582 he was appointed professor at the medical faculty of the University of Jena . When in 1583 his brother Johann Friedrich Schröter (1559-1625) was accepted into the faculty of the university, he moved up to the second medical professorship and in 1612 to the first professorship in medicine. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Jena University and was rector of the university in the winter semesters 1584, 1594, 1600, 1606, 1612 . After he died, his body was buried on June 3, 1617 in Jena city church St. Michael .


Schröter married on September 10, 1593 in Jena with Margaretha Sehling (* 1574 in Schneeberg ; † August 14, 1635 there) the daughter of the Schneeberg city judge and businessman Hans Sehling and his wife Eva von Iphoffen. The marriage resulted in three sons and four daughters. From the children we know:

  • Philipp Jacob Schröter (matriculated at the University of Jena in 1600)
  • Johann Wolfgang Schröter (enrolled at the University of Jena from 1606 until the winter semester 1612)
  • Johann Friedrich Schröter († November 11, 1625 in Jena) Dr. med.
  • Anna Schröter († young)
  • Margaretha Schröter (married since February 3, 1612 to the pastor and superintendent in Münder / Braunschweig Magister Johannes Neomarius, also Neumeyer, * 1579 - † November 26, 1646)
  • Maria Schröter (born January 12, 1600 in Jena, † July 25, 1665 in Dresden, married on November 1, 1619 to Johannes Nester, personal physician in Rochlitz)
  • Barbara Elisabeth Schröter (* 1612 in Jena; † November 29, 1645 in Schneeberg, married to Ulrich Röhling, a citizen and treasurer in Schneeberg, since September 1628)

Fonts (selection)

  • De febri Ardente. Jena 1581
  • De arthritide. Jena 1584
  • De fluxu hepatico. Jena 1610 ( online )


  • Schröter (Philipp Jacob). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 35, Leipzig 1743, column 1268.
  • Johann Caspar Zeumer, Christoph Weissenborn: Vitae Professorum Theologiae, Jurisprudentiae, Medicinae et Philosophiae qui in illustri Academia Jenensi, ab ipsius fundatione ad nostra usque tempora vixerunt et adhuc vivunt una cum scriptis a quolibet editis quatuor classibus. Johann Felici Bieleck, Jena 1711, p. 22 (medical practitioner)
  • Fritz Roth : Complete evaluations of funeral sermons and personal documents for genealogical and cultural-historical purposes. Self-published, Boppard am Rhein 1961, p. 334, R 1616
  • Ernst Giese, Benno von Hagen: History of the medical faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. G. Fischer, Jena 1958, p. 89

Individual evidence

  1. Matricula Nationis Germanicae Artistarum in Gymnasio Patavino (1553-1721), ed. by Lucia Rossetti, Padova 1986, p. 37, no.312.