Philippe De Backer

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Philippe De Backer (2014)

Philippe De Backer (born December 4, 1978 in Ekeren / Antwerp ) is a Belgian politician of the Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democrats (Open VLD). He has been a member of the European Parliament since 2011 and Minister for Digital Agenda, Telecommunications and Post in the Wilmès government since March 2020 . At the local level, De Backer is a councilor in Kapellen .


Philippe De Backer obtained a Masters degree in Biotechnology from the University of Ghent (UGent) in 2003 , and a year later he received a Masters degree in Medical Molecular Biotechnology. This was followed by postgraduate studies before he finally got a doctorate in biotechnology. He then became the technology transfer officer at CRP-Santé and an analyst at Vesalius Biocapital . He also received the Harvard Diplomacy Award from the World Model United Nations Conference .

De Backer was chairman of Jong VLD, the Young Flemish Liberals and Democrats, from 2007 to 2010. Since then he has been a member of the Kapellen parish council .

On September 7, 2011, he moved up to the European Parliament for Dirk Sterckx (Open VLD) who had left the company . There De Backer was a member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism , the delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee and the delegation to the Euro-Latin America Parliamentary Assembly . He was deputy in the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China .

When the Flemish Vice Prime Minister, Annemie Turtelboom (Open VLD), announced her resignation at the end of April 2016 and Bart Tommelein (Open VLD) took over as her successor in the regional government, Philippe De Backer succeeded Tommelein on May 2, 2016 Federal government under Prime Minister Michel ( MR ). Since then he has been acting State Secretary for the fight against social fraud, data protection and the North Sea.

Overview of political offices

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Philippe De Backer places maandag al de eed af as Staatssecretaris (April 29, 2016) (Dutch).