Philippe Leclerc

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Philippe Adolf Leclerc , also Philipp Leclerc and Philipp Le Clerc , (born July 15, 1755 in Zweibrücken , † April 19, 1826 in Munich ) was a German painter and draftsman.


Leclerc was born in 1755 as the son of the Zweibrücken court painter Jakob Friedrich Leclerc . Leclerc received his first training from his father before he switched to Georg Friedrich Meyer at the Art Academy in Mannheim in 1770/71 and was trained by the animal and landscape painter Daniel Hien in Zweibrücken. From 1773 to 1779 he was in the service of the Ducal Dragoons Life Guard.

Karl II. August von Pfalz-Zweibrücken appointed him court painter in 1781. In 1785 he moved to Karlsberg Castle near Homburg, but in 1793 had to flee from the French revolutionary troops with the Duke's court to Mannheim. From 1794 he was employed as a drawing teacher for the children of Prince Max Joseph von Pfalz-Zweibrücken in Heidelberg. In 1799 Leclerc went to Munich with Maximilian I Joseph when he became Bavarian Elector . Leclerc worked in Munich as a hunting painter and continued to work as a drawing teacher for the Elector's children. Several of his landscape paintings now hang in museums of the Bavarian State Painting Collections .


  • Leclerc, Philippe . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 22 : Krügner – Leitch . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1928, p. 523 .
  • J. Dahl, K. Lohmeyer: The baroque Zweibrücken and its masters. Pp. 303, 358 ff., 793.
  • J. Dahl: Zweibrücken's last court painter Philippe Adolf Leclerc, reflections on 6 newly discovered portrait drawings. In: Saarheimat. April 1960, p. 24 ff.
  • B. Roland: The Pfalz-Zweibrücker painters of the 18th century. Dissertation, Munich 1955/56, p. 111 ff., 204 ff.
  • B. Roland: The painters group from Pfalz-Zweibrücken. In: Studies on German Art History. No. 324, 1959, p. 76 ff., Fig. 10 f.
  • B. Hardtwig: Post -Baroque a. Classicism. Catalog of the Bayer. Staatsgemäldesammlung III, 1978, p. 250 ff.
  • Berthold Roland: Leclerc (Le Clerc), Philipp (Adolf). In: New German Biography . Volume 14: Laverrenz – Locher-Freuler. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1985, p. 35 f. ( ).
  • Leclerc, Philippe Adolph. In: Günter Scharwath: The large artist lexicon of the Saar region. Geistkirch-Verlag, Saarbrücken 2017, p. 618.

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