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Phyllodrom eV with the addition Museum and Institute for Rainforest Ecology is an association that was founded in September 1994 in Leipzig . The aim is to create a scientific research and educational institution that deals with the large tropical rainforest ecosystem and its inhabitants and the creation and maintenance of an extracurricular learning location for natural history education in the Leipzig region.


The name of the association is derived from the Greek word phyllon , which means "leaf" in German. In other words, phyllodrome means leaf or forest house, which best characterizes the atmosphere of the rainforest.

Concept and museum

The concept aims to unite zoological , botanical and ethnological areas of science under one roof. One deals with evolution, biodiversity, botany and zoology, extinction of species, environmental problems and climate history. The role of human societies in ecosystems is also examined.

In the museum , the visitor should be given a comprehensive insight into the rainforest habitat . Live animals (such as millipedes and praying mantises ) and plants or models or original preparations, videos, graphics, photos and modern multimedia systems are used. The exhibition shows, for example, life in Papua New Guinea or on the small tropical island of Siberut in the Indian Ocean . The museum is also intended to provide a rich complement to teaching in schools.


The main task of the institute is the preparation for scientifically oriented nature and species protection in that the scientists create ecological analyzes and lists of species based on field studies or collected and evaluated material. Thus the taxonomy (= science of the naming of the species), biogeography and ecology are focal points of the work. This also includes a rainforest reforestation project in Papua New Guinea , which is being researched.

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