Physochlaina capitata

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Physochlaina capitata
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Physochlaina
Type : Physochlaina capitata
Scientific name
Physochlaina capitata

Physochlaina capitata is a plant type from the genus of Physochlaina in the family of the nightshade family (Solanaceae).


Physochlaina capitata is a 50 to 70 cm high plant. The root is up to 3.5 cm thick, the rhizomes are round and about 4 mm in diameter. The stems are hairy and mostly unbranched. The leaves have petioles 3 to 7 cm long , the leaf blade is elliptical or ovate, it is 4 to 8 cm long and 2 to 4 cm wide. On the underside of the leaf they are finely haired along the veins. The base is cut off, broadly wedge-shaped or broadly heart-shaped, towards the front they are pointed or blunt. The leaf margin is entire, curved or, more rarely, covered with one or two pairs of coarse, triangular teeth.

The inflorescences are terminal, little-flowered, head-shaped groups. The flowers are almost sessile. The chalice is funnel-shaped and about 6 mm long. It is covered with triangular lobes that are about half as long as the calyx tube. On the outside the calyx is ciliate with glandular hairs. The funnel-shaped crown is colored yellow, in the corolla tube pale purple. The crown is about 1.3 cm long and is set with 3 mm long, oval-triangular corolla lobes. The stamens start in the middle of the corolla tube and are slightly above the crown. The anthers are egg-shaped and about 1 mm long. The stylus does not protrude beyond the crown.

The flower stalks on the fruit lengthen to 1 to 3 mm, the calyx is sparsely hairy with glands and becomes bell-shaped and measures 1.3 to 1.6 cm in length and 1 to 1.2 cm in diameter. It has 10 inconspicuous, longitudinal ribs and is covered with protruding, short, triangular, uniform lobes about 4 mm in length. The fruit is a spherical capsule with a diameter of 5 to 6 mm. The seeds are orange-yellow, kidney-shaped and measure about 2.5 × 1.5 mm.


The species grows on grassy slopes and in crevices. The deposits are located in China's Xinjiang .


  • Zhi-Yun Zhang, Anmin Lu and William G. D'Arcy: Physochlaina capitata . In: ZY Wu and PH Raven (eds.): Flora of China. Vol. 17 (Verbenaceae through Solanaceae) . Science Press, Beijing and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, 1994.