
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pimple stands for:

  • Ice ax , formerly steep ax , special ax for ice climbers
  • Ice ax , equipment for mountaineering
  • Ice ax (bar) , bar tool for crushing ice
  • Pickel, part of the Pitschen-Pickel district of the Heideblick municipality in the Dahme-Spreewald district in Brandenburg
  • Pimples, pimple tanning , a process of fur finishing
  • Pickaxe (tool) , pickaxe, pickaxe or pickaxe
  • Pickelhaube , metallic, pointed helmet attachment
  • Pustule , inflammation in the form of a small, rounded or pointed bump on the skin filled with pus

Pickel is the family name of the following people:

See also:

Wiktionary: Pimples  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations