Pier Carlo Masini

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Pier Carlo Masini

Pier Carlo Masini (born March 26, 1923 in San Casciano in Val di Pesa , Tuscany , † October 19, 1998 in Florence ) was an Italian socialist , historian and journalist.


Masini grew up in Cerbaia near Florence and was active in anti-fascist groups in his youth . Later he joined the liberal-socialist movement around Tristano Codignola and was a driving force in their youth groups. Masini was sentenced to three years in prison on June 21, 1942 for his activities. After a year in prison, Masini was released and moved closer to Communist Party positions . During the military operations in Tuscany during World War II , Masini became Vice Mayor of San Casciano in Val di Pesa. In the final phase of the war, however, he moved closer to the anarchist movement, increasingly distanced himself from the Italian Communist Party and criticized Palmiro Togliatti's willingness to compromise , the Communist’s leader.

After the end of the war, Masini was the editor of two of the first anarchist magazines to be published after the war: The Passione rivoluzionaria (Eng .: The Revolutionary Passion), the organ of the Tuscan anarchist youth, and Alba dei Liberi (Eng .: Das Awakening of the free). In 1946 Masini was a delegate at the anarchist youth congress in Faenza . After the publication of another magazine Gioventù Anarchica , Masini became an employee at Umanità Nova and became one of the most active members of the Federazione Anarchica Italiana (FAI).

An internal FAI conflict between Masini's youth groups and the more traditional elements of the Federation culminated at the Congresses of 1949 in Livorno and 1950 in Ancona . Masini proposed the formation of an anarchist party that should better do justice to the conditions in post-war Italy with anarchist theory and practice, and above all with a stronger anchorage in the labor movement. The conflict led to a split in the youth groups and the formation of the Gruppi Anarchici d'Azione Proletaria (GAAP) with the magazine L'Impulso . In 1954 they formed the Libertarian Communist International (ICL) with similar groups in France. The GAAP subsequently moved closer to anti- Stalinist groups and was finally absorbed into the Azione Comunista . Masini left the Azione Comunista again in 1958 and was a member of the Italian Socialist Party until the end of his life .

Masini did research on various topics, such as ancient Italian literature, and subsequently became one of the most important historians of anarchism in Italy with his historical studies on anarchism.


  • Antonio Gramsci e l'Ordine Nuovo visti da un libertario . Livorno 1956.
  • Gli internazionalisti e la Banda del Matese, 1876-1878 . Edizioni Avanti !, Milano-Roma 1958.
  • La Federazione Italiana dell'Associazione Internazionale dei Lavoratori. Atti ufficiali 1871-1880 (atti congressuali; indirizzi, proclami, manifesti) . Ed .: Pier Carlo Masini, Edizioni Avanti !, Milano 1963.
  • Storia degli anarchici italiani. Da Bakunin a Malatesta (1862-1892) . Milano 1969.
  • Cafiero . Milan 1974.
  • Eresie dell'Ottocento. All care spawns, umaniste e libertarie della democrazia italiana . Milano 1978.
  • Poeti della rivolta. Da Carducci a Lucini . Milano 1978.
  • I leaders del movimento anarchico . Bergamo 1980.
  • Storia degli anarchici italiani nell'epoca degli attentati . Milano 1981.
  • Manzoni . Pisa 1996.
  • Alfieri . Pisa 1997.
  • Porta . Pisa 1997.
  • Mussolini. La machera del dittatore . Pisa 1999.


  • F. Bertolucci: Pier Carlo Masini . “RSA” N. 2, July – December 1998, pp. 5–12.
  • F. B [ertolucci] / C. V [enza]: Pier Carlo Masini . " Umanità Nova ", N. 35, November 15, 1998, p. 3.
  • R. Broggini: Masini, storico dell'anarchia . "La Regione Ticino", N.244, October 24, 1998.
  • G. Landi: Uno studioso e un amico . "A, rivista anarchica", N. 250, December 1998 - January 1999, pp. 33-36.
  • G. Mangini: Un ricordo di Pier Carlo Masini . «Settegiorni», n. 19, 5th November 1998.
  • N. Musarra: Pier Carlo Masini . "Sicilia libertaria", November 1998, p. 9.

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