Piero Bellugi

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Piero Bellugi (born July 14, 1924 in Florence ; † June 10, 2012 there ) was an Italian conductor.

life and work

Bellugi first studied violin in Florence. Then he studied composition with Luigi Dallapiccola and Roberto Lupi and conducting with Paul van Kempen and Igor Markevitch . He deepened his conducting training with Rafael Kubelík and Leonard Bernstein .

From 1956 to 1958 Bellugi was a teacher at the University of California, Berkeley . 1958 to 1959 he was conductor of the Oakland Symphony Orchestra . From 1959 to 1961 he was artistic director and conductor of the Portland Symphony Orchestra . In 1961 he returned to Europe. He worked here as a guest conductor of important concert orchestras and opera houses. He became artistic director of the Lisbon Radio Orchestra. In 1969 he was appointed chief conductor of the Orchestra Sinfonica della RAI di Torino .


  • Bellugi, Piero . In: Carl Dahlhaus (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Personal section: A – K , supplementary volume. Schott, Mainz 1972, p. 89 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Carl Dahlhaus, 1972: Carl Dahlhaus.