Roberto Lupi

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Roberto Lupi (born November 28, 1908 in Milan , † April 17, 1971 in Dornach ) was an Italian composer, conductor and music theorist.

life and work

Lupi studied at the Conservatori Verdi in Milan until 1934 .

He then became a professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini in Florence.

Lupi continued to publish a number of works of older Italian music. He wrote the music theory work Armonia di gravitazioni (Rome 1946). In addition, Lupi has earned a good reputation as a conductor.

Compositions by Roberto Lupi (excerpt)

Above all, Lupi created large-format works of experimental music for choir and orchestra, chamber music and stage. Among other things, he composed the following works:

  • Sacra Sinfonia
  • Nativitas, Stabat mater and Psalmo LX for solos, choir and orchestra
  • Cello sonata
  • Sacra rappresenntazione La dansa di Salomè (one act, Perugia 1952)
  • Misterio melodrammatico La nuova Euridice (Bergamo 1957)
  • Persefone (Florence 1970)
  • 9 pieces Homunculus (1958)
  • Fenomeni (1961)
  • Azioni sonore (1960–1962)
  • 5 short pieces (1966) for orchestra
  • Bucolica (1953)
  • Multiliteralià (1960) for chamber orchestra
  • 3 fugues and 2 interludes (1958) for strings
  • 12 Ricerari in forma di zodiaco for violoncello and orchestra

as well as several piano pieces and songs.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Wilibald Gurlitt, 1961: Roberto Lupi.
  2. ^ A b c Carl Dahlhaus, 1975: Roberto Lupi.