Pierre Boulle

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Pierre Boulle

Pierre François Marie Louis Boulle (born February 20, 1912 in Avignon ( Département Vaucluse ), † January 30, 1994 in Paris ) was a French writer .


Boulle, the son of a lawyer from Avignon, studied electrical engineering after finishing school in Paris. After graduating, he moved to the Far East, where he worked as a rubber planter in Malaya from 1938 . During the Second World War he fought with the French Free Forces in China , Burma and Indonesia . In 1942 he was taken prisoner by Japan, from which he escaped in 1944. In his famous work Die Brücke am Kwai , he processed his war experiences, especially his imprisonment in Southeast Asia. In order to maintain the will to survive, he got some writing materials from the camp in order to secretly record his experiences. After the war, he first settled in Malaysia , but finally moved back to France in 1948. When he returned there, he devoted himself to actual writing.


  • Le pont de la rivière Kwai 1952 (German: The bridge on the Kwai Rowohlt, Hamburg 1956)
  • E = mc², contes de l'absurde 1953 (German E = mc² )
  • Les Voies du Salut 1958 (German: The other side of the medal Rowohlt, Hamburg 1959)
  • La planète des singes 1963 (German Planet of the Apes Goldmann, Munich 1965)
  • Love and gravity (German original collection of short stories. Verlag Volk und Welt, Berlin [East] 1970, spectrum vol. 26)
  • Le bon Léviathan 1978 (German: The brave Leviathan Paul Zsolnay, Vienna / Hamburg 1978)

Film adaptations

The Bridge on the Kwai (1957) and The Planet of the Apes (1968) were successfully filmed; both are considered classics of modern cinema. Tim Burton created a 2001 remake of Planet of the Apes, more faithful to the end of the novel. Boulle received an Oscar in 1958for the screenplay for The Bridge on the Kwai .


Web links

Commons : Pierre Boulle  - collection of images, videos and audio files